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Tests codebeat badge License: MIT Swift 5.9 Platform: iOS/macOS


A sleek PinCodeView for iOS and macOS


PinView is a custom SwiftUI view designed to simplify the input of PIN codes in iOS and macOS apps. It's highly customizable to fit the look and feel of your application.


  • 🌗 Light / dark mode support: Appearance is automatically adjusted to the OS settings.
  • 🔢 Supports custom pin length: Set the length of the pin code to your needs.
  • 🔄 Automatic textfield focus change: Automatically focuses the next textfield when the current one is filled.


struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var pinCode: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        PinCodeView(count: 4) { pin in
            Swift.print("On verify - pin: \(pin)")

Swift Package Manager (SPM)

.package(url: "", branch: "main")

Future improvements:

  1. Focus Management & Backspace Functionality

    • Improve focus transitions and add backspace functionality.
  2. Obfuscation Feature

    • Implement PIN obfuscation to enhance security and user privacy. (Add obfuscation after iterating through pins)
  3. Refactoring & Code Organization

    • Refactor code for better modularity and readability.
  4. Accessibility Improvements

    • Review and improve accessibility features, including voice-over compatibility.
  5. Preview & Testing Enhancements

    • Expand preview functionality to cover more scenarios for better UI testing.
    • Add note about limits with Preview vs Simulator vs Device
  6. Styling & Theming Consistency

    • Use constants for styling values to ensure consistent theming.
  7. Documentation & Code Comments

    • Address TODOs and FIXMEs related to documentation for better clarity and collaboration.
  8. Miscellaneous

    • Add note regarding textfield position changing when keyboard is shown / dismissed etc
    • Rename repo to PinCodeView?
    • Remove unit-tests. And add UI-tests?


  • Add top-level styling options through ViewBuilder + Style param drilling or environment variable
  • Implement Backspace Functionality in PinCodeView Currently, the PinCodeView does not handle backspacing to delete digits and move focus backward, which is an essential feature for user input fields. Improvement: Modify the onChange handler in PinView to detect when the text field is empty and shift focus to the previous field. Example Update in PinView+Content.swift:
.onChange(of: pinValues[pin.fieldId]) { newVal in
    if newVal.isEmpty {
        // Move focus to the previous pin if backspacing
        if pin.fieldId > 0 {
            self.pinFocusState = .fieldId(pin.fieldId - 1)
    } else if newVal.count == 1 && newVal.first?.isNumber == true {
        // Move focus to the next pin
        if let nextPin = self.nextPin {
            self.pinFocusState = nextPin
        } else {
            // Dismiss keyboard if last field is filled
            self.pinFocusState = nil
  • Implement PIN Obfuscation Feature To enhance security and privacy, it's important to obfuscate the PIN code as the user types, preventing shoulder surfing. Improvement: Replace TextField with SecureField to automatically obscure the input. If SecureField doesn't suit your needs (since it hides the entire input), consider manually replacing the entered character with a masking character like "●". Example Update in PinView+Content.swift:
TextField("", text: Binding(
    get: { pinValues[pin.fieldId] },
    set: { newValue in
        pinValues[pin.fieldId] = newValue.isEmpty ? "" : ""
)) { isEditing in
    self.editing = isEditing

Note: You might need to store the actual PIN in a separate variable to use for verification, as this approach modifies the displayed text.

  • Improve Accessibility Support Enhancing accessibility ensures that your app is usable by a wider range of users, including those who rely on assistive technologies. Improvements: Add meaningful accessibilityLabel and accessibilityHint to views. Use accessibilityValue to convey the current state of the input fields. Ensure focus order is logical for VoiceOver users. Example Update in PinView+Content.swift:
TextField("", text: $pinValues[pin.fieldId]) { isEditing in
    self.editing = isEditing
.accessibilityLabel("PIN Digit \(pin.fieldId + 1)")
.accessibilityHint("Enter the \(ordinal(pin.fieldId + 1)) digit of your PIN code")
.accessibilityValue(pinValues[pin.fieldId].isEmpty ? "Empty" : "Filled")

func ordinal(_ number: Int) -> String {
    let formatter = NumberFormatter()
    formatter.numberStyle = .ordinal
    return formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: number)) ?? "\(number)"
  • Refactor Code for Better Modularity Several Fixme comments suggest moving constants to a constants library and consolidating similar code. Improvements: Create a Constants struct or enum to house commonly used constants. Extract repeated code into reusable functions or view modifiers. Example of a Constants File:
import SwiftUI

struct Constants {
    static let pinFieldWidth: CGFloat = 45
    static let pinFieldHeight: CGFloat = 45
    static let pinFieldSpacing: CGFloat = 15
    static let cornerRadius: CGFloat = 5
    // Add other constants as needed
  • Enhance Preview Providers Previews are a powerful tool for UI development in SwiftUI. Improvements: Use different devices and orientations in previews to ensure responsiveness. Leverage ForEach to preview multiple scenarios. Example Update in PinCodeView+Preview.swift:
#Preview {
    ForEach(["iPhone SE (3rd generation)", "iPhone 14 Pro Max", "iPad Pro (12.9-inch)"], id: \.self) { deviceName in
        PinCodeView(count: 4) { pin in
            Swift.print("On verify - pin: \(pin)")
        .previewDevice(PreviewDevice(rawValue: deviceName))
  • Organize Styles and Components Improving the structure of your codebase makes it easier to navigate and maintain. Improvements: Group styles into a Styles directory. Ensure that related components are grouped together. Remove redundant or unused files. Example Directory Structure:
├── PinView/
│   ├── Components/
│   │   ├── PinCodeView.swift
│   │   ├── PinView.swift
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── Styles/
│   │   ├── PinStyle.swift
│   │   ├── PinTitleTextStyle.swift
│   │   └── ...
│   └── Utils/
│       ├── Constants.swift
│       └── ...
  • Leverage Built-in Text Field Styles While custom styles offer flexibility, using built-in styles can reduce code complexity. Improvement: Explore SwiftUI's built-in TextFieldStyle options. Use modifiers like .textContentType(.oneTimeCode) to hint at the expected input. Example Update in PinView+Content.swift:
TextField("", text: $pinValues[pin.fieldId])
    // Existing modifiers...

Note: Be cautious as some styles and content types may not fit the exact needs of a PIN input field.

  • Add Clipboard Paste Support Allow users to paste a complete PIN code into the input fields.
// Inside your PinCodeView
.onChange(of: UIPasteboard.general.string) { newValue in
    guard let pastedString = newValue, pastedString.count == self.count else { return }
    for (index, character) in pastedString.enumerated() {
        if index < {
  [index] = String(character)
    self.pinFocusState = .fieldId(self.count - 1)
  • Enhance Accessibility Support Improve support for VoiceOver and Dynamic Type to make your app accessible to more users.
TextField("", text: $pinValues[pin.fieldId])
    .accessibilityLabel("Digit \(pin.fieldId + 1) of \(self.count)")
    .accessibilityValue(pinValues[pin.fieldId].isEmpty ? "Empty" : "Filled")
    .font(.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .title1))
    .environment(\.sizeCategory, .accessibilityLarge)
  • Add Customization Through Themable Styles Allow developers to customize the appearance by introducing themable styles.
import SwiftUI

public struct PinCodeViewStyle {
    public var fieldSize: CGSize
    public var fieldSpacing: CGFloat
    public var activeBorderColor: Color
    public var inactiveBorderColor: Color
    public var textColor: Color
    public var font: Font

    public init(
        fieldSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 45, height: 45),
        fieldSpacing: CGFloat = 15,
        activeBorderColor: Color = .blue,
        inactiveBorderColor: Color = .gray,
        textColor: Color = .primary,
        font: Font = .title
    ) {
        self.fieldSize = fieldSize
        self.fieldSpacing = fieldSpacing
        self.activeBorderColor = activeBorderColor
        self.inactiveBorderColor = inactiveBorderColor
        self.textColor = textColor
        self.font = font

Use the style in your PinCodeView:

public struct PinCodeView: View {
    // Existing properties
    let style: PinCodeViewStyle

    public init(
        count: Int,
        style: PinCodeViewStyle = PinCodeViewStyle(),
        titles: Titles = PinCodeView.defaultTitles,
        onVerify: OnVerify? = nil
    ) {
        self.count = count = style
        self.titles = titles
        self.onVerify = onVerify
        self._pin = State(initialValue: Array(repeating: "", count: count))

    // Pass `style` down to your subviews

Apply the style in PinView:

TextField("", text: $pinValues[pin.fieldId])
    .frame(width: style.fieldSize.width, height: style.fieldSize.height)
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5)
            .stroke(isFocused ? style.activeBorderColor : style.inactiveBorderColor, lineWidth: 2)
  • Implement Error Handling and Validation Provide feedback for invalid PIN entries.
@State private var isError = false
@State private var errorMessage = "Invalid PIN. Please try again."

var body: some View {
    VStack {
        // ... existing code
        if isError {

func verifyPin() {
    let enteredPin = pin.joined()
    if isValidPin(enteredPin) {
    } else {
        isError = true
        // Provide haptic feedback for error
        HapticManager.notification(type: .error)
  • Add Animation Effects Incorporate animations to improve user experience.
// Animate focus change
.withAnimation {
    self.pinFocusState = self.nextPin

// Shake animation on error
if isError {
    TextField("", text: $pinValues[pin.fieldId])
        .modifier(ShakeEffect(shakes: 2))

import SwiftUI

struct ShakeEffect: GeometryEffect {
    var shakes: CGFloat = 0

    var animatableData: CGFloat {
        get { shakes }
        set { shakes = newValue }

    func effectValue(size: CGSize) -> ProjectionTransform {
        let translation = 10 * sin(shakes * .pi * 2)
        return ProjectionTransform(CGAffineTransform(translationX: translation, y: 0))
  • Refine Code Organization

Reorganize your code into clearly defined modules and structures.

  • Components: Contain reusable views like PinView, PinCodeView.
  • Styles: Include styling structs and view modifiers.
  • Utilities: Helper functions and extensions.
  • Tests: Unit and UI tests.


PinCodeView for iOS and macOS







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