Dialogflow API for AIY Voice Kit.
Add your AIY Voice Kit Dialogflow API.
You can make your app work directly without google home.
Buy The AIY Voice Kit and complete the tutorial.
dialogflow-for-aiy-voicekit use lowlevel api AIY Voice Kit.
and Enable the API Cloud Speech API,Dialogflow API.
Are you work your voice kit this program?
If the demo has worked,next step.
cd /home/pi/
git clone https://github.com/senyoltw/dialogflow-for-aiy-voicekit
# copy Dialogflow module and sample program.
cp -ipr dialogflow-for-aiy-voicekit/mod AIY-projects-python/src/
cp -ip dialogflow-for-aiy-voicekit/cloudspeech_dialogflow_text.py AIY-projects-python/src/examples/voice/
cd AIY-voice-kit-python
chmod a+x src/examples/voice/cloudspeech_dialogflow_text.py
Press the button and speak your Dialogflow APP!
use cloudspeech_dialogflow_text_with_texttospeech.py
It is Adding beta release of the Dialogflow audio response.