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Aiwe edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 1 revision

On this page you will find description of every method in Karbowanec RPC Wallet (Payment Gate) API. Karbowanec RPC Wallet is a HTTP server which provides JSON 2.0 RPC interface for Karbowanec payment operations and address management. Each method has its own page that can be found by clicking on this method.

More on how to start and operate Karbowanec RPC Wallet can be found here: Karbowanec RPC Wallet

To make a JSON PRC request to your Karbowanec RPC Wallet you should use POST request that looks like this:

http://<service address>:<service port>/json_rpc


  • <service address> is an IP of Karbowanec RPC Wallet, if RPC Wallet is located on local machine it is either or localhost,
  • <service port> is Karbowanec RPC Wallet port, by default it is binded to 8070 port, but it can be manually binded to any port you want, read more about this


reset() method allows you to re-sync your wallet.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
viewSecretKey No Private view key string 4a2583e42d010e8aabfed22743789569714196246bf01b5f2fec35af9232d907
scanHeight No Height to start scan from uint32_t 450000

No output in case of success.

Important: If the view_secret_key was not pointed out reset() methods resets the wallet and re-syncs it. If the view_secret_key argument was pointed out reset() method substitutes the existing wallet with a new one with a specified view_secret_key and creates an address for it.

Input value example:


Output value example:


Get status

getStatus() method returns information about the current RPC Wallet state: block_count, known_block_count, last_block_hash, peer_count an minimal_fee.

No input.


Argument Description Format Example
blockCount Node's known number of blocks uint32 123456
knownBlockCount Maximum known number of blocks of all seeds that are connected to the node uint32 123123
localDaemonBlockCount Local (synchronized) blocks count uint32 123123
lastBlockHash Hash of the last known block string 8a6f1cb7ed7a9db4751d7b283a0482baff20567173dbfae136c9bceb188e51c4
peerCount Connected peers number uint32 5
minimalFee Current minimum transaction fee in atomic units. Do not use received value 'as is', but to round it up to one of two first digits after leading zeroes or double it to make sure tx will pass in case of minimalFee fluctuations. uint64 15573245551
version The version of the Payment Gate software string

Input example:


Output example:

 "id": "test",
 "jsonrpc": "2.0",
 "result": {
   "blockCount": 256739,
   "knownBlockCount": 256739,
   "lastBlockHash": "1ae2b3fd7351a84c775e3088869efcc8afe6424cc2bc0ba9bd448c542061099b",
   "minimalFee": 15645551732,
   "peerCount": 7


save() method allows you to save your wallet by request.

No input.

No output in case of success.

Input value example:


Output value example:



export() method allows you to export your wallet to the container file.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
fileName Yes Filename of container string FileName.wallet

No output in case of success.

Input value example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "test",
  "method": "export",

Output value example:

{ "id": "test", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {} }

Get view key

getViewKey() method returns your view key.

No input.


Argument Description Format Example
viewSecretKey Private view key string 4a2583e42d010e8aabfed22743789569714196246bf01b5f2fec35af9232d907

Input Example:


Return value example:


Get spend keys

getSpendKeys() method returns your spend keys.

Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
address Yes Valid and existing in this container address string KfXkT5VmdqmA7bWqSH37p87hSXBdTpTogN4mGHPARUSJaLse6jbXaVbVkLs3DwcmuD88xfu835Zvh6qBPCUXw6CHK8koDCt


Argument Description Format Example
spendSecretKey Private spend key string 4a2583e42d010e8aabfed22743789569714196246bf01b5f2fec35af9232d907
spendPublicKey Public spend key string 4a2583e42d010e8aabfed22743789569714196246bf01b5f2fec35af9232d907

Input Example:


Return value example:


Get mnemonic seed

getMnemonicSeed() method returns your first address' spend secret key and derived from this spend key common private view key of the container if it was created with option --deterministic.

Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
address Yes Valid deterministic address that exists in this container string KfXkT5VmdqmA7bWqSH37p87hSXBdTpTogN4mGHPARUSJaLse6jbXaVbVkLs3DwcmuD88xfu835Zvh6qBPCUXw6CHK8koDCt


Argument Description Format Example
mnemonicSeed Mnemonic seed consisting of 25 words string testing sifting swallow pastry skin rogue jaded extra ...

Input Example:


Return value example:

  "id": "test",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "mnemonicSeed": "testing sifting swallow pastry skin rogue jaded extra  ..."

Get addresses

getAddresses() method returns an array of your RPC Wallet's addresses.

No input.


Argument Description Format Example
addresses Array of strings, where each strings is an address array See below

Input example:


Output example:


Create address

createAddress() method creates an additional address in your wallet.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
secretSpendKey No Private spend key. If secretSpendKey was specified, RPC Wallet creates spend address string
publicSpendKey No Public spend key. If publicSpendKey was specified, RPC Wallet creates view address string
scanHeight No Height from which start synchronization uint32
reset No Determines whether reset wallet or not on address creation with spendKey. By default is true - do reset (old behavior) boolean

Note: If none of the above mentioned parameters were specified, RPC Wallet creates spend address with generated spend key.

Note: both above mentioned keys in parameters can't be present in a single request


Argument Description Format Example
address Created address string KfXkT5VmdqmA7bWqSH37p87hSXBdTpTogN4mGHPARUSJaLse6jbXaVbVkLs3DwcmuD88xfu835Zvh6qBPCUXw6CHK8koDCt

Input value example:


Output value example:


Create address list

createAddressList() method creates additional addresses in your wallet from the provided list of private keys.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
spendSecretKeys Yes Array of strings, where each string is a Private spend key. array "spendSecretKeys":["fe44fef481ba7f1a309754fcd2dd783090059b4154cf2c6667d7eac5ce00cc0c", "871cf3c3b784959d2b2a0e976328b8b814dc3a381853338471f0fb7c13213801", "a7ecbe49b33dd3f13af7c9c704a0818f139fb7b78c0dc3f82e3050788aac9659"]
scanHeights No Array of uint32, where each is a height to start synchronization from
reset No Determines whether reset wallet or not on address creation with spendKey. By default is true - do reset (old behavior) boolean


Argument Description Format Example
addresses Array of strings, where each string is a created address array ["Kbb4JYUXJUEjPAWxuoCyVTTbtVbs32Fp22v3Kby9ziWVLJyYbqSXjadcSrHuZw91eYfQFzRtGfTemReSSMN4kE445fJGbu5", "KaAzzYLbBUQUG4a2b1QQVTHsDaEh7TR5UbC7HSBDZqJgFTe3CRhE6pdcSrHuZw91eYfQFzRtGfTemReSSMN4kE445gSzDQv", "KiFxnevgyWcE6MuTCcqyryFoMyTtMqGvEU4zsULJgWxdSLDm6tvHdDFcSrHuZw91eYfQFzRtGfTemReSSMN4kE445e1uh9P"]

Input value example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "test",
  "method": "createAddressList",
    "spendSecretKeys":["fe44fef481ba7f1a309754fcd2dd783090059b4154cf2c6667d7eac5ce00cc0c", "871cf3c3b784959d2b2a0e976328b8b814dc3a381853338471f0fb7c13213801", "a7ecbe49b33dd3f13af7c9c704a0818f139fb7b78c0dc3f82e3050788aac9659"]

Output value example:

  "id": "test",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
    "addresses": [

Delete address

deleteAddress() method deletes a specified address.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
address Yes An address to be deleted. string KfXkT5VmdqmA7bWqSH37p87hSXBdTpTogN4mGHPARUSJaLse6jbXaVbVkLs3DwcmuD88xfu835Zvh6qBPCUXw6CHK8koDCt


In case of success returns an empty JSON object.

Input example:


Output example:


Get balance

getBalance() method returns a balance for a specified address.

Please note: If address is not specified, returns a cumulative balance of all RPC Wallet's addresses.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
address No Valid and existing address in this particular wallet string KfXkT5VmdqmA7bWqSH37p87hSXBdTpTogN4mGHPARUSJaLse6jbXaVbVkLs3DwcmuD88xfu835Zvh6qBPCUXw6CHK8koDCt


Argument Description Format Example
availableBalance Available balance of the specified address uint64 123123
lockedAmount Locked amount of the specified address uint64 123123

Input example:


Output example:


Get block hashes

getBlockHashes() method returns an array of block hashes for a specified block range.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
firstBlockIndex Yes Starting height uint32 123123
blockCount Yes Number of blocks to process uint32 20


Argument Description Format Example
blockHashes Array of strings, where each element is a block hash array example

Input example:


Output example:


Get transaction hashes

getTransactionHashes() method returns an array of block and transaction hashes.

Transaction consists of transfers. Transfer is an amount-address pair. There could be several transfers in a single transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is an address array KfXkT5VmdqmA7bWqSH37p87hSXBdTpTogN4mGHPARUSJaLse6jbXaVbVkLs3DwcmuD88xfu835Zvh6qBPCUXw6CHK8koDCt
blockHash Only one of these parameters (blockHash or firstBlockIndex) is allowed. Hash of the starting block string f8f07ace392474bfbdc0fc30749a45f779a8aea10c489a103270f63ed88178ad
firstBlockIndex Only one of these parameters (blockHash or firstBlockIndex) is allowed. Starting height uint32 123123
blockCount Yes Number of blocks to return transaction hashes from uint32 20
paymentId No Valid payment_id string somePaymentId

Note: if paymentId parameter is set, getTransactionHashes() method returns transaction hashes of transactions that contain specified payment_id. (in the set block range)

Note: if addresses parameter is set, getTransactionHashes() method returns transaction hashes of transactions that contain transfer from at least one of specified addresses.

Note: if both above mentioned parameters are set, getTransactionHashes() method returns transaction hashes of transactions that contain both specified payment_id and transfer from at least one of specified addresses.


Argument Description Format Example
items Array that contains: blockHash - string - hash of the block which contains transaction hashes; transactionHashes - array - array of strings, where each string is a transaction hash array See below

Input example:


Output example:


Get transactions

getTransactions() method returns an array of block and transaction hashes.

Transaction consists of transfers. Transfer is an amount-address pair. There could be several transfers in a single transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is an address array See below
blockHash Only one of these parameters (blockHash or firstBlockIndex) is allowed. Hash of the starting block string 8fa07712cbf22c263834c0ac9a3f05058856a1fa7fa3d3eda332f63519b23bd1
firstBlockIndex Only one of these parameters (blockHash or firstBlockIndex) is allowed. Starting height uint32 123123
blockCount Yes Number of blocks to return transaction hashes from uint32 20
paymentId No Valid payment_id string somePaymentId

Note: if paymentId parameter is set, getTransactions() method returns transactions that contain specified payment_id. (in the set block range)

Note: if addresses parameter is set, getTransactions() method returns transactions that contain transfer from at least one of specified addresses.

Note: if both above mentioned parameters are set, getTransactions() method returns transactions that contain both specified payment_id and transfer from at least one of specified addresses.


Argument Description Format Example
items Array that contains: block_hash - string - hash of the block which contains a transaction; transactions - array - contains (see table below) array See below
Argument Format Description
transactionHash string hash of the transaction
blockIndex uint32 number of the block that contains a transaction
confirmations uint32 number of confirmations
timestamp uint64 timestamp of the transaction
isBase boolean shows if the transaction is a coinbase transaction or not
unlockTime uint64 height of the block when transaction is going to be available for spending
amount int64 amount of the transaction
fee uint64 transaction fee
extra string
paymentId string payment_id of the transaction (optional)
transfers array address - string; amount - int64

Input example:


Output example:


Get unconfirmed transaction hashes

getUnconfirmedTransactionHashes() method returns information about the current unconfirmed transaction pool or for a specified addresses.

Transaction consists of transfers. Transfer is an amount-address pair. There could be several transfers in a single transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is a valid address array See below

Note: if addresses parameter is set, getUnconfirmedTransactionHashes() method returns transactions that contain transfer from at least one of specified addresses.


Argument Description Format Example
transactionHashes Array of strings, where each string is a hash of an unconfirmed transaction array See below

Input example:


Output example:


Get transaction

getTransaction() method returns information about a particular transaction.

Transaction consists of transfers. Transfer is an amount-address pair. There could be several transfers in a single transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
transactionHash Yes Hash of the requested transaction string example


Argument Description Format Example
transaction Contains (see table below) array See below
Argument Format Description
transactionHash string hash of the transaction
blockIndex uint32 number of the block that contains a transaction (optional)
timestamp uint64 timestamp of the transaction (optional)
isBase boolean shows if the transaction is a coinbase transaction or not
unlockTime uint64 height of the block when transaction is going to be available for spending
amount int64 amount of the transaction
fee uint64 transaction fee
extra string
paymentId string payment_id of the transaction (optional)
transfers array contains address - string; amount - int64

Input example:


Output example:


Send transaction

sendTransaction() method allows you to send transaction to one or several addresses. Also, it allows you to use a payment_id for a transaction to a single address.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is an address to take the funds from array See below
transfers Yes Array that contains: address - string; amount - int64 array "amount": 10000000000, "address": "Kcpg4B4kjwefDeBHGyRdUbgeq5FSYHCof7db8uj6dkFAjkvLSQBc3J7iDSwFx75TUj6MnDYKM5Eu3UmtaAJhvEjdKw1Jkz5"
fee Yes Transaction fee. Minimal fee in Karbowanec network is .0001 KRB. This parameter should be specified in minimal available KRB units. For example, if your fee is .01 KRB, you should pass it as 10000000000 uint64 1000000
unlockTime No Height of the block until which transaction is going to be locked for spending. uint64 0
anonymity Yes Privacy level (a discrete number from 1 to infinity). Level 6 and higher is recommended. uint64 6
extra No String of variable length. Can contain A-Z, 0-9 characters. string
paymentId No payment_id string somePaymentId
changeAddress No Valid and existing in this container address. string KaUMDHkTqSpaDBtK2pZc4MDaveb2DhQfYiUZ2ACy7evsKYYwWefrvhy34RHNChptMPbefT387qpH7MGkWCsdQJAeGpjmhfz

Note: if container contains only 1 address, changeAddress field can be left empty and the change is going to be sent to this address

Note: if addresses field contains only 1 address, changeAddress can be left empty and the change is going to be sent to this address

Note: in the rest of the cases, changeAddress field is mandatory and must contain an address.


Argument Description Format Example
transactionHash Hash of the sent transaction. string 93faedc8b8a80a084a02dfeffd163934746c2163f23a1b6022b32423ec9ae08f

Input Example:


Return value example:


Estimate fusion

estimateFusion() method counts the number of unspent outputs of the specified addresses and returns how many of those outputs can be optimized.

This method is used to understand if a fusion transaction can be created. If fusionReadyCount returns a value = 0, then a fusion transaction cannot be created.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
threshold Yes Value that determines which outputs will be optimized. Only the outputs, lesser than the threshold value, will be included into a fusion transaction. uint64 1000000
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is an address to take the funds from. array See below


Argument Description Format Example
totalOutputCount Total number of unspent outputs of the specified addresses. uint64 1000
fusionReadyCount Number of outputs that can be optimized. uint64 50

Input example:


Output example:


Send fusion transaction

sendFusionTransaction() method allows you to send a fusion transaction, by taking funds from selected addresses and transferring them to the destination address.

If there aren't any outputs that can be optimized, sendFusionTransaction() will return an error. You can use estimateFusion to check the outputs, available for the optimization.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
threshold Yes Value that determines which outputs will be optimized. Only the outputs, lesser than the threshold value, will be included into a fusion transaction. uint64 1000000
anonymity Yes Privacy level (a discrete number from 1 to infinity). Level 6 and higher is recommended. uint64 6
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is an address to take the funds from. array See below
destinationAddress No An address that the optimized funds will be sent to. Valid and existing in this container address. string Kis97C9AM1PQataUmbpjmXbZz2KSynxgURYb8moceDPXVWBwt4pjGtvAmfY3qmhcrBZgyKfLGnhGCW8LxBHGiDrrC5GLjhD

Note: if container contains only 1 address, destinationAddress field can be left empty and the funds are going to be sent to this address.

Note: if addresses field contains only 1 address, destinationAddress can be left empty and the funds are going to be sent to this address.

Note: in the rest of the cases, destinationAddress field is mandatory and must contain an address.


Argument Description Format Example
transactionHash Hash of the sent transaction. string 93faedc8b8a80a084a02dfeffd163934746c2163f23a1b6022b32423ec9ae08f

Input Example:


Return value example:


Validate address

validateAddress() method allows you to check if provided address is valid.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
Address Yes Address to validate string Kak1Nwr16RtJ5M4wLVM7bnAXSMgimsgxiQtoSTXSBUrsQHQ6CbLKeXwimHyn2iqorN2DqL2b4HcaiJLvPmRbUMVXJTLqbjT


Argument Description Format Example
address Parsed address. string Kak1Nwr16RtJ5M4wLVM7bnAXSMgimsgxiQtoSTXSBUrsQHQ6CbLKeXwimHyn2iqorN2DqL2b4HcaiJLvPmRbUMVXJTLqbjT
isValid whether the address is valid or invalid boolean true
spendPublicKey Public spend key string 17d068a5d62767661597779af63b7938f1e723052a2d0b8ed8fc6680cde3f88b
viewPublicKey Public view key string 32c547698847b6f9b04bc9035a8d97074d2c09bd8ef63f67b0941f30c8f39e9a

Input Example:


Return value example:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "result": {
       "address": "Kak1Nwr16RtJ5M4wLVM7bnAXSMgimsgxiQtoSTXSBUrsQHQ6CbLKeXwimHyn2iqorN2DqL2b4HcaiJLvPmRbUMVXJTLqbjT",
       "isvalid": true,
       "spendPublicKey": "17d068a5d62767661597779af63b7938f1e723052a2d0b8ed8fc6680cde3f88b",
       "viewPublicKey": "32c547698847b6f9b04bc9035a8d97074d2c09bd8ef63f67b0941f30c8f39e9a"

Create delayed transaction

createDelayedTransaction() method creates a delayed transaction. Such transactions are not sent into the network automatically and should be pushed using sendDelayedTransaction method.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is an address array See below
transfers Yes Array that contains: address – string; amount – int64 array "amount": 10000000000, "address": "KicW5PKpT2FQb8YKzKfQu27reK6FDZdnAEZ3dUbAoMwc1JeL1BgabGJ14VfzRiX951V4gXwTH1vf5TjVwuwn2f1wQkdpSg5"
fee Yes Transaction fee. This parameter should be specified in minimal available KRB units. uint64 10000000000
unlockTime No Height of the block until which transaction is going to be locked for spending. uint64 0
anonymity Yes Privacy level (a discrete number from 1 to infinity). Level 6 and higher is recommended. uint64 6
extra No String of variable length. Can contain A-Z, 0-9 characters. string something123
paymentId No payment_id string f9e13241e0b31844aa7ec17768e2dcb41c268bed84b3d0f7e4be9e8bde625212
changeAddress No Valid and existing in this container address. string Kak1Nwr16RtJ5M4wLVM7bnAXSMgimsgxiQtoSTXSBUrsQHQ6CbLKeXwimHyn2iqorN2DqL2b4HcaiJLvPmRbUMVXJTLqbjT

Note: if container contains only 1 address, changeAddress field can be left empty and the change is going to be sent to this address

Note: if addresses field contains only 1 address, changeAddress can be left empty and the change is going to be sent to this address

Note: in the rest of the cases, changeAddress field is mandatory and must contain an address.

Note: outputs that were used for this transactions will be locked until the transaction is sent or cancelled


Argument Description Format Example
transactionHash Hash of the sent transaction. string 93faedc8b8a80a084a02dfeffd163934746c2163f23a1b6022b32423ec9ae08f

Input Example:


Return value example:


Send delayed transaction

sendDelayedTransaction() method sends a specified delayed transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
transactionHash Yes Valid, existing delayed transaction string c671d1005eaaf7c51b1e23eeec1c899e43fa7a332cdc2bcf1e45b908e23d8837


In case of success returns an empty JSON object.

Input example:


Output example:

   "result": {}

Get delayed transaction hashes

getDelayedTransactionHashes() method returns hashes of delayed transactions.

No input.


Argument Description Format Example
transactionHashes Array of strings, where each string is a transaction hash array See below

Input example:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
   "id": "1", 
   "method": "getDelayedTransactionHashes"

Output example:


Delete delayed transaction

deleteDelayedTransaction() method deletes a specified delayed transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
transactionHash Yes Valid, existing delayed transaction string c671d1005eaaf7c51b1e23eeec1c899e43fa7a332cdc2bcf1e45b908e23d8837


In case of success returns an empty JSON object.

Input example:


Output example:

   "result": {}

Sign message

signMessage() allows to sign message with wallet keys.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
address No Public address for keys used to sign message string
message Yes The message to sign string test

Note: if address is not provided, default main (first) address is used to sign the message.


Argument Description Format Example
adddress Address, used to sing the message (useful in case it was omitted in request) string
signature The signature generated with wallet keys string SigV16DzpgqS3dQJZMLcTfjhFivsYjC7UCkUdS1DLFUujUkHdyoRnADcpPjv66JXgeQU5ujTc5UnEPTfwDqJTUSXUUg5jM2MmRi

Input example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "test",
  "method": "signMessage",

Output example:


Verify message

verifyMessage() method is used to verify signed message.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
address Yes Public address for keys used to sign message string
message Yes The message to sign string
signature Yes The signature string SigV16DzpgqS3dQJZMLcTfjhFivsYjC7UCkUdS1DLFUujUkHdyoRnADcpPjv66JXgeQU5ujTc5UnEPTfwDqJTUSXUUg5jM2MmRi


Argument Description Format Example
isValid Denotes whether signature of message is valid or not boolean See below

Input example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "test",
  "method": "verifyMessage",

Output example:
