A custom bot for Myst Discord Server
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
In order to be able Myst Bot on your local machine you need the following software
Follow this steps to setup Myst Bot
- Download the binaries from ffmpeg
- Extract it and copy the bin folder contents
- Create a directory named ffmpeg_bins in C: drive.
- Add it to path.
Install dependencies running these commands on the terminal:
npm install
In order to be able to run a bot, you need a token that you get creating an app in the developer portal
Go to developer portal
Create an new app
Go to Bot section
Add bot
Copy Token
Create a file named config.json in the root folder and add this to the file
"prefix": "PREFIX",
"token": "TOKEN"
Replace PREFIX and TOKEN
You can install nodemon to be able to reload files automatically or just run with
node bot.js
Install nodemon with the following command
npm install -g nodemon