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shaCode256 edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 3 revisions

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Project - Weighted and Directed graph model - 12/2020

What is this project, weighted and directed graph, all about?

The project implements a Weighted and Directed graph model, using data structures including HashMaps to represent the nodes and neighborhood relationships between them.

##So.. what is a weighted and directed graph? If you needed a quick reminder, here is a descreption by a friend, Wikipedia


Our project makes it available to create graphs like this, for all purposes, for you to use, with some useful functions.

##What Can I use this for? Just an idea- you can start base a Waze maze with this!

Let's take a brief look inside-

Pictures to help and visualize how it's going:

Creating a graph: Creating a graph

Creating Nodes: Creating Nodes

Running Tests0: Update- the new ver. is with time stamps Running Tests0

Running Tests1: Running Tests1

!Running Tests2: Running Tests2

GraphAlgo: (rithms, da ;) ) GraphAlgo(rithms)

The HashMap of the graph strcture: HashMap- Graph structure

Find us at GitHub: ShaCode256@ Dvir-Segal@

-Third assignment in computer science and mathematics studies at Ariel University, second year.

@מצאו אותנו בגיטהאב ShaCode256 Dvir-Segal@

מטלה שלישית במסגרת לימודי מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה באוניברסיטת אריאל בשומרון, שנה ב'.