Climate api call using esp8266 huzzah
Optional ( if you require more ports/pins, please obtain a shift register/PCA9865(pwm pin port expander) )
What was used: a few breadboards many jumper cables (male-female + male-male) 50 x rgb led (in excess) resistors to maintain longevity of LEDS esp8266 huzzah feather pca8965 pwm port expander MC74H595 Shift Register (from lab) visual code editor
basically using nodejs with fetch and johnny five libraries to connect huzzah wifi module to an air quality api to reflect brightness of LED depending on the air quality level
For nodejs setup with the esp8266, please refer to for a very detailed setup guide, its basically for dummies(me)
node-fetch was used to retreive api data from johnny five board expander api was used for shift register code johhny five pca9865 library was used for the PCA9865 expander code
blink.js is the file for using shift register pcatest.js is the file for using, well, the PCA