- Contributors: Ian Hamilton
- Tags: wiki
- Requires at least: 3.5
- Tested up to: 4.2.1
- Stable tag: 1.0.3
- License: GNU General Public License
- License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
This WordPress theme was developed for the share-research.org website, but is available to anyone who might want to use it.
To modify the CSS it is strongly suggested that you work with the SASS partials in the scss
folder. For more information about SASS partials, please see How to Structure a SASS Project.
Working with SASS partials as opposed to editing the compiled CSS makes for a much more maintainable and organized code structure.
You will need the following software installed:
- The most recent version of SASS: http://sass-lang.com/
- Compass and Susy, tools and frameworks for SASS: http://compass-style.org/ http://susy.oddbird.net/
In order to compile .scss into .css, do the following: (OS X directions supplied, Windows will be similar but you won't use Terminal)
- In Terminal, navigate to the theme repository folder:
- Type the following
sass --watch scss:css
and hit enter. - SASS will begin watching the scss folder. Saving anything in the scss folder will automatically compile a new main.css and main.css.map, both of which should be uploaded.
This theme was developed by Ian Hamilton at colorcrate.com. It is built on BlankSlate from tidythemes.com.
Shoot Ian an email at [ian@colorcrate.com](mailto:ian@colorcrate.com?subject=SHARE theme).
version 1.0
- initial version delivered by Ian
- 1.0.1: updated for easier maintenance via GitHub (efc)
- 1.0.2: fixed twitter error introduced by 1.0.1 (efc)
- 1.0.3: added logo-box for smaller logos on other pages (efc)