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ConsoleGpt - Symfony GPT Console Assistant

This library allows seamless integration of a GPT-based chat interface with symfony/console, enabling users to execute one command or a sequence of commands and manipulate them interactively via chat.

Have you dreamed of speaking the same language with your application? 😀

Try chatting with the demo app

$ OPENAI_API_KEY='<your API key>' php demo/demo.php chat


  • Run Console Commands: Execute a single Symfony console command or a sequence of commands through an interactive chat.
  • Processing the result: Dynamically change and modify the return result of console commands. If you want to display it in the form of a table, please do so. Translating into any language is not a problem.
  • Easy to use: Integrate ConsoleGpt into your existing Symfony console application and start talking to it today!


  1. Add the library to your project via Composer:

    composer require shcherbanich/symfony-console-gpt
  2. Ensure your project uses Symfony Console (symfony/console).

  3. Add the Chat command to your Symfony console application.

  4. Set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY.


Basic Setup

The library provides a ready-to-use command: ConsoleGpt\Command\ChatCommand. You can use it in your project in two ways:

  1. Add the Command to Your Application
    Include the ChatCommand in your console application:

    use ConsoleGpt\Command\ChatCommand;
    use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
    $application = new Application();
    $application->add(new ChatCommand());
  2. Inherit from the Chat Application

    namespace MyApp\Console;
    use ConsoleGpt\Application as ChatApplication;
    final class SomeApp extends ChatApplication
        // Add custom behavior here

In this case, the command will be available in your application.

Running the Chat Command

Run the chat command in your console:

$ OPENAI_API_KEY='<your API key>' php console chat

and enjoy the magic :)