A survey of deep learning for detecting miRNA-disease associations: databases, computational methods, challenges, and future directions
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RNA can be divided into two categories based on its coding function: (1) RNAs with coding potential, and (2) RNAs without coding potential, also known as non-coding RNA (ncRNA), which includes microRNAs (miRNA), snoRNAs, circRNAs and lncRNAs. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a major class of important ncRNAs with the lengths more than 200 nucleotides. An increasing number of lncRNA have been found to be abnormally expressed in human diseases, and play a critical role in tumor development.
- Overview
- Data resources
- Classical deep learning models for predicting MDAs
- Graph neural network-based methods for predicting MDAs
- Other deep learning methonds
- A Summary of Methodology Details for predicting MDAs
- Cite
- Welcome to contribute
- We collect miRNA- and disease-related databases for MDA prediction, including miRNA-disease association databases, miRNA-related databases, and disease-related databases.
- We provide the first a comprehensive overview of 45 MDA prediction models based on deep learning and graph neural networks. We classify the two types of models in detail, deep learning models such as autoencoder, multi-layer perceptron, convolutional neural network, variational autoencoder, gated recurrent unit, and generative adversarial network; graph neural network models such as graph convolutional network, graph attention network, graph autoencoder, as shown below figure 1.
Fig 1: Deep learning and Graph neural network computational methods for MDA prediction.
Database | Description | URL |
HMDD v3.2 | Collects 35547 experimentally confirmed MDAs, involving 1206 miRNA genes and 893 diseases | http://www.cuilab.cn/hmdd |
dbDEMC 3.0 | Contains 3268 differentially expressed miRNAs for 40 cancer types from humans, mics, and rats | https://www.biosino.org/dbDEMC |
miR2Disease | Records 349 miRNAs, 163 diseases, and 3273 entries | http://www.mir2disease.org/ |
miRCancer | Provides 9080 associations between 196 human cancers and 57984 miRNAs | http://mircancer.ecu.edu/ |
miRwayD | Collects 663 miRNA-pathway association entries for 76 diseases, involving 232 miRNAs, 122 pathways, and 328 targeted genes | http://www.mirway.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
MNDR (RNADisease v4.0) | Stores 343,273 associations between more than 18 RNA categories, 117 species, and 4090 diseases | http://www.rnadisease.org/ |
Database | Description | URL |
miRbase v22 | Responsible for miRNA naming and is the primary public repository for miRNA sequences and annotations | https://www.mirbase.org/ |
mirTarbase | Stores experimentally verified miRNA-target interactions. containing 19912394 interactions between 4630 miRNAs and 27172 mRNAs (target genes) | https://miRTarBase.cuhk.edu.cn/ |
miRWalk | Provides experimentally verified miRNA-gene interactions | http://mirwalk.umm.uni-heidelberg.de/ |
starbase (ENCORI) | Collects regulatory relationships on miRNA-ceRNA, miRNA-ncRNA, and protein-RNA interaction | https://starbase.sysu.edu.cn/ |
lncRNASNP2 | Contains experimentally verified miRNA-lncRNA interactions | http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/lncRNASNP |
miREnvironment | Records experimentally supported interactions between miRNAs, environmental factors, and phenotypes | http://www.cuilab.cn/miren |
Database | Description | URL |
MeSH | Is the NLM controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing, cataloging, and searching of biomedical and health-related information | http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ |
HPO | Offers a comprehensive logical standard to depict and computationally analyze phenotypic abnormalities within human disease | https://hpo.jax.org/app/ |
OMIM | Records collated information about genes and genetic phenotypes and the relations between them, with 26,588 entries covering 7,248 diseases and 4,685 genes | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim |
DisGeNet | Contains publicly available collections of genes and variants related to human diseases | https://www.disgenet.org/ |
LncRNADisease | Provides experimentally verified and predicted lncRNA-disease associations and circRNA-disease associations, as well as regulatory relationships between lncRNAs, mRNAs, and miRNAs | http://www.rnanut.net/lncrnadisease/ |
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Methods | Descriptions | Program code |
DeepMDA | A novel method based on stacked autoencoders and deep neural networks that encode integrated miRNAs and disease similarities | http://mirwalk.umm.uni-heidelberg.de/ |
DRMLDA | A computational model using stacked autoencoders and SVM in integrated miRNAs and disease similarities | NA |
MLMDA | A framework that incorporates multi-source similarity information with stacked autoencoder and RF | NA |
DFELMDA | A method based on autoencoder and RF for predicting MDAs | https://github.com/Zj-Teng/DFELMDA |
MDA-CF | A model based on autoencoder and CR by fusing multi-source information | https://github.com/a1622108/MDA-CF |
PMDFI | A framework with stacked autoencoders, RF, and logistic regression for prediction | NA |
MSCNE | A framework that incorporates multi-source biological information with stacked autoencoder and CNN | NA |
SMALF | A method based on autoencoder and XGBoost for predicting MDAs | https://github.com/dayunliu/SMALF |
MDA-CNN | A learning framework in a miRNA-gene-disease using autoencoder and CNN | https://github.com/Issingjessica/MDA-CNN |
AEMDA | A method using representation algorithms and deep autoencoder for inferring MDAs | https://github.com/CunmeiJi/AEMDA |
iMDA-BN | An improved model that utilizes Node2Vec to extract feature and uses stacked autoencoder and RF for discovering MDAs | NA |
DANE-MDA | A deep attributed network embedding method based on deep stacked autoencoder and RF for prediction | https://github.com/jiboya123/DANE-MDA |
DBNMDA | A deep learning-based model that adopts deep-belief network | NA |
SAEMD | An unsupervised computational model using staked autoencoder for identifying MDAs | https://github.com/xpnbs/SAEMDA |
DBMDA | A method based on autoencoder and rotation forest, which improves miRNA sequence similarity | NA |
VAEMDA | An unsupervised deep learning approach using variational autoencoder | NA |
SVAEMDA | A method based on variational autoencoder for identifying MDAs | NA |
EPMDA | A method based on edge perturbation method using MLP to predict MDAs | NA |
MLRDFM | A multi-view Laplacian regularized DeepFM model for discovering MDAs | https://github.com/XYDBCS/MLRDFM |
CNNDMP | A deep learning approach that employs dual convolutional neural network | NA |
CNNMDA | A method performs prediction using matrix factorization and convolutional neural network | NA |
DNRLCNN | A CNN framework utilizing latent feature matrix extraction with positive samples for predicting MDAs | NA |
HGCNMDA(1) | A PPI-based heterogeneous GCN model for MDA prediction | NA |
Zhu’s method | A matrix completion method based on GCN in heterogeneous miRNA-disease network | NA |
NIMCGCN | A computational method for discovering new MDAs based on neural inductive matrix completion with GCN | https://github.com/ljatynu/NIMCGCN/ |
FCGCNMDA | A fully connected graph-based GCN method for predicting MDAs | NA |
MMGCN | A computational method that adaptively integrates multi-source similarity information with multi-view multichannel attention GCN | https://github.com/Txinru/MMGCN |
GSCENet | A learning framework in a miRNA-gene-disease network using GCN, CNN, and SENet | https://github.com/Appleabc123/GCSENet |
MVIFMDA | A multi-view information fusion-based method that utilizes GCN and CNN | NA |
MDA-GCNFTD | A method that discovers underlying MDAs based on GCN via graph sampling | https://github.com/a96123155/MDA-GCNFTG |
MINIMDA | A method that fuses mixed neighborhood information in multimodal networks | https://github.com/chengxu123/MINIMDA |
HGCNMDA(2) | A multi-relational GCN-based method that can allocate proper weights to various types of edges | https://github.com/weiba/HGCNMDA |
MuCoMiD | A multitask graph convolutional learning framework for identifying underlying MDAs | https://git.l3s.uni-hannover.de/dong/cmtt |
SGNNMD | A signed GNN method for exploring deregulation types of MDAs | https://github.com/bubblecode/SGNNMD |
HGATMDA | A novel method that uses weighted DeepWalk to learn the dense embeddings and utilizes GAT to further obtain node representations | NA |
GRPAMDA | A new computational model for MDA prediction utilizing graph random propagation network and attention network | https://github.com/ZTangBo/GRPAMDA |
HGANMDA | A hierarchical graph attention network-based method for discovering novel MDAs | https://github.com/ZTangBo/HGANMDA |
MDPBMP | A graph attention network based on meta-path for discovering potential MDAs | https://github.com/LiangYu-Xidian/MDPBMP |
GCAEMDA | A computational model using GCAE in miRNA-based and disease-based sub-networks | NA |
NIMGSA | A neural inductive matrix completion-based method with GCAE and self-attention mechanism | https://github.com/zhanglabNKU/NIMGSA |
GAEMDA | A designed GAE for identifying novel MDAs | https://github.com/chimianbuhetang/GAEMDA |
AGAEMD | A MDA prediction model that employs node-level attention GAE and inner product decoder | https://github.com/Zhhuizhe/AGAEMD |
VGAE-MDA | A variational graph auto-encoder-based method for MDA prediction | NA |
VGAMF | A new method for revealing MDAs with variational graph auto-encoder and non-negative matrix factorization | https://github.com/XYDBCS/VGAMF |
CEMDA | A framework uses meta-path features, which extracted by GRU | https://github.com/liubailong/CEMDA |
GMDA | A model based on GAN that integrates pairwise neighbor topologies, miRNA family, and cluster attributes | NA |
NA denotes a lack of a code.
Sheng N, Xie X, Wang Y, et al. A Survey of Deep Learning for Detecting miRNA-Disease Associations: Databases, Computational Methods, Challenges, and Future Directions. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2024.3351752, 2024.
If you would like to help contribute this list, please feel free to contact me by email:
- Email: shengnan21@mails.jlu.edu.cn