Speech Services API version 2024-11-15.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2024-11-15
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/support
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+https://github.com/shhossain/swagger_client_azure_speech.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com//.git
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: api_key
configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
id = 'id_example' # str | The identifier of the dataset.
api_version = 'api_version_example' # str | The requested api version.
block_list = [swagger_client.CommitBlocksEntry()] # list[CommitBlocksEntry] | The list of blocks that compile the dataset.
# Commit block list to complete the upload of the dataset.
api_instance.datasets_commit_blocks(id, api_version, block_list)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi->datasets_commit_blocks: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_commit_blocks | POST /datasets/{id}/blocks:commit | Commit block list to complete the upload of the dataset. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_create | POST /datasets | Uploads and creates a new dataset by getting the data from a specified URL or starts waiting for data blocks to be uploaded. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_delete | DELETE /datasets/{id} | Deletes the specified dataset. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_get | GET /datasets/{id} | Gets the dataset identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_get_blocks | GET /datasets/{id}/blocks | Gets the list of uploaded blocks for this dataset. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_get_file | GET /datasets/{id}/files/{fileId} | Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from a dataset (identified with id). |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_list | GET /datasets | Gets a list of datasets for the authenticated subscription. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_list_files | GET /datasets/{id}/files | Gets the files of the dataset identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_list_supported_locales | GET /datasets/locales | Gets a list of supported locales for datasets. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_update | PATCH /datasets/{id} | Updates the mutable details of the dataset identified by its ID. |
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi | datasets_upload_block | PUT /datasets/{id}/blocks | Upload a block of data for the dataset. The maximum size of the block is 8MiB. |
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi | endpoints_create | POST /endpoints | Creates a new endpoint. |
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi | endpoints_delete | DELETE /endpoints/{id} | Deletes the endpoint identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi | endpoints_get | GET /endpoints/{id} | Gets the endpoint identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi | endpoints_list | GET /endpoints | Gets the list of endpoints for the authenticated subscription. |
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi | endpoints_list_supported_locales | GET /endpoints/locales | Gets a list of supported locales for endpoint creations. |
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi | endpoints_update | PATCH /endpoints/{id} | Updates the metadata of the endpoint identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_create | POST /evaluations | Creates a new evaluation. |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_delete | DELETE /evaluations/{id} | Deletes the evaluation identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_get | GET /evaluations/{id} | Gets the evaluation identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_get_file | GET /evaluations/{id}/files/{fileId} | Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from an evaluation (identified with id). |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_list | GET /evaluations | Gets the list of evaluations for the authenticated subscription. |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_list_files | GET /evaluations/{id}/files | Gets the files of the evaluation identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_list_supported_locales | GET /evaluations/locales | Gets a list of supported locales for evaluations. |
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi | evaluations_update | PATCH /evaluations/{id} | Updates the mutable details of the evaluation identified by its id. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_authorize_copy | POST /models:authorizecopy | Allows another speech resource (source) to copy a model to this speech resource (target). |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_copy | POST /models/{id}:copy | Copies a model from one subscription to another. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_create | POST /models | Creates a new model. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_delete | DELETE /models/{id} | Deletes the model identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_get_base_model | GET /models/base/{id} | Gets the base model identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_get_base_model_manifest | GET /models/base/{id}/manifest | Returns an manifest for this base model which can be used in an on-premise container. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_get_custom_model | GET /models/{id} | Gets the model identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_get_custom_model_manifest | GET /models/{id}/manifest | Returns an manifest for this model which can be used in an on-premise container. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_get_file | GET /models/{id}/files/{fileId} | Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from a model (identified with id). |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_list_base_models | GET /models/base | Gets the list of base models for the authenticated subscription. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_list_custom_models | GET /models | Gets the list of custom models for the authenticated subscription. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_list_files | GET /models/{id}/files | Gets the files of the model identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_list_supported_locales | GET /models/locales | Gets a list of supported locales for model adaptation. |
CustomSpeechModelsApi | models_update | PATCH /models/{id} | Updates the metadata of the model identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechOperationsApi | operations_get_model_copy | GET /operations/models/copy/{id} | Gets the operation identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_delete | DELETE /transcriptions/{id} | Deletes the specified transcription task. |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_get | GET /transcriptions/{id} | Gets the transcription identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_get_file | GET /transcriptions/{id}/files/{fileId} | Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from a transcription (identified with id). |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_list | GET /transcriptions | Gets a list of transcriptions for the authenticated subscription. |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_list_files | GET /transcriptions/{id}/files | Gets the files of the transcription identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_list_supported_locales | GET /transcriptions/locales | Gets a list of supported locales for offline transcriptions. |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_submit | POST /transcriptions:submit | Submits a new transcription job. |
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi | transcriptions_update | PATCH /transcriptions/{id} | Updates the mutable details of the transcription identified by its ID. |
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi | web_hooks_create | POST /webhooks | Creates a new web hook. |
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi | web_hooks_delete | DELETE /webhooks/{id} | Deletes the web hook identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi | web_hooks_get | GET /webhooks/{id} | Gets the web hook identified by the given ID. |
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi | web_hooks_list | GET /webhooks | Gets the list of web hooks for the authenticated subscription. |
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi | web_hooks_ping | POST /webhooks/{id}:ping | Sends a ping event to the registered URL. |
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi | web_hooks_test | POST /webhooks/{id}:test | Sends a request for each registered event type to the registered URL. |
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi | web_hooks_update | PATCH /webhooks/{id} | Updates the web hook identified by the given ID. |
TranscribeApi | transcriptions_transcribe | POST /transcriptions:transcribe | Synchronous transcription of an audio file. |
- BaseModel
- BaseModelDeprecationDates
- BaseModelFeatures
- BaseModelLinks
- BaseModelProperties
- BlockKind
- ChannelCombinedPhrases
- CommitBlocksEntry
- CustomModel
- CustomModelDeprecationDates
- CustomModelFeatures
- CustomModelLinks
- CustomModelProperties
- Dataset
- DatasetKind
- DatasetLinks
- DatasetLocales
- DatasetProperties
- DatasetUpdate
- DetailedErrorCode
- DiarizationProperties
- EditsSummary
- Endpoint
- EndpointLinks
- EndpointProperties
- EndpointPropertiesUpdate
- EndpointUpdate
- EntityError
- EntityReference
- Error
- ErrorCode
- Evaluation
- EvaluationLinks
- EvaluationProperties
- EvaluationUpdate
- File
- FileKind
- FileLinks
- FileProperties
- InnerError
- LanguageIdentificationMode
- LanguageIdentificationProperties
- ModelCopyAuthorization
- ModelCopyAuthorizationDefinition
- ModelFile
- ModelManifest
- ModelUpdate
- Operation
- OperationResult
- OutputFormatType
- PaginatedBaseModels
- PaginatedCustomModels
- PaginatedDatasets
- PaginatedEndpoints
- PaginatedEvaluations
- PaginatedFiles
- PaginatedTranscriptions
- PaginatedWebHooks
- Phrase
- ProfanityFilterMode
- PunctuationMode
- ResponseBlock
- SharedModel
- SharedModelFeatures
- Status
- TextNormalizationKind
- TokenErrorDetails
- TranscribeDefinition
- TranscribeDiarizationProperties
- TranscribeResult
- Transcription
- TranscriptionLinks
- TranscriptionLocales
- TranscriptionProperties
- TranscriptionUpdate
- UploadedBlocks
- WebHook
- WebHookEvents
- WebHookLinks
- WebHookProperties
- WebHookPropertiesUpdate
- WebHookUpdate
- Word
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
- Location: HTTP header