#Uber Visualization Uber V/S Lyft
Your project is for visulizing the data of uber and lyft comparision.This data is of UK
Code :
#import the libary
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from datetime import datetime
cab_df = pd.read_csv("cab_rides.csv")
#It the header of data #In the we can see the column of data cab_df.head()
#checking the null value cab_df.isnull().sum()
#Total rows we have 693071 so we can remove the rows with no price. cab_df.dropna(inplace=True) #Againg seeing that null value cab_df.isnull().sum()
cab_df = cab_df[['distance', 'cab_type', 'time_stamp', 'destination', 'source', 'price', 'name']] cab_df.head()
cab_df["rounded_timestamp"] = cab_df["time_stamp"] / 1000 cab_df["rounded_timestamp"] = cab_df["rounded_timestamp"].apply(np.floor)
#we are creating four different column cab_df["date"] = cab_df["rounded_timestamp"].apply(lambda x : datetime.fromtimestamp(x).date()) cab_df["time"] = cab_df["rounded_timestamp"].apply(lambda x: datetime.fromtimestamp(x).time()) cab_df['weekday'] = cab_df['date'].apply(lambda x: x.weekday()) cab_df["weekday"] = cab_df["weekday"].map({0: 'Monday', 1: 'Tuesday', 2: 'Wednesday', 3: 'Thursday', 4: 'Friday', 5: 'Saturday', 6: 'Sunday'}) cab_df['hour'] = cab_df['time'].apply(lambda time: time.hour)
#see the date cab_df['date'].head()
#see the time cab_df['time'].head()
cab_df.loc[(cab_df.hour >= 6) & (cab_df.hour < 12) , 'time_of_day'] = 'Morning' cab_df.loc[(cab_df.hour >= 12) & (cab_df.hour < 16) , 'time_of_day'] = 'Afternoon' cab_df.loc[(cab_df.hour >= 16) & (cab_df.hour < 22) , 'time_of_day'] = 'Evening' cab_df.loc[(cab_df.hour >= 22) | (cab_df.hour < 6) , 'time_of_day'] = 'Night'
#After adding column 'date', 'time','weekday', 'hour', 'time_of_day' see that cab_df.columns
#need of column which is required for uber visualization cab_df = cab_df[['distance', 'cab_type', 'time_stamp', 'price', 'name', 'date', 'time', 'weekday', 'hour', 'time_of_day']]
#if you want this new data set then use with conver of date and time from unix format cab_df.to_csv("new.csv") cab_df.head()
#see the sift of time cab_df['time_of_day'].value_counts()
uber_df = cab_df[cab_df['cab_type'] =="Uber"] lyft_df = cab_df[cab_df['cab_type'] =="Lyft"]
high_price_dataset = uber_df[uber_df["price"]>1] high_distance_dataset = uber_df[uber_df["distance"]> 0.1]# From above we see that for Uber we have only one value of price
high_price_dataset = uber_df[uber_df["price"]>1] high_distance_dataset = uber_df[uber_df["distance"]> 0.1]
t_high_price = pd.DataFrame(high_price_dataset.groupby(["weekday", "price"]).size().reset_index()) t_high_price.columns = ["Weekday", "price","hour"] plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) sns.barplot(x="Weekday", y="price", data=t_high_price,ci=None,estimator=np.max).set_title("Weekday wise price range");
t_high_price1 = pd.DataFrame(high_price_dataset.groupby(["weekday", "price","name"]).size().reset_index()) t_high_price1.columns = ["Weekday", "price","name","count"] plt.figure(figsize=(22, 5)) sns.barplot(x="Weekday", y="count", hue="name", data=t_high_price1,ci=None,estimator=np.mean).set_title("Weekday wise Surge");
td_high_day = pd.DataFrame(high_distance_dataset.groupby(["weekday","time_of_day"]).size().reset_index()) td_high_day.columns = ["Weekday", "Time of Day", "Count"]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) sns.lineplot(x="Time of Day", y="Count", data=td_high_day).set_title("Time of Day wise Distance");
td_high_day = pd.DataFrame(high_distance_dataset.groupby(["weekday","name","time_of_day"]).size().reset_index()) td_high_day.columns = ["Weekday", "name","Time of Day", "Count"]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) sns.lineplot(x="name", y="Count",hue="Time of Day",data=td_high_day,estimator=np.max).set_title("Time of Day wise Surge");