Zeno is a bot for IIITA Students to check marks on aviral and see their ranks. There are multiple modules like voting, noticeboards and broadcasting messages to users, which can be enabled to get most out of Zeno.
IMP ::: Really need help in testing the parser with results of multiple courses. If you are from any batch other then M.Tech 2020, Please do msg me on telegram @shivamhw or mail me. Any help would be appreciated.
- Get telegram bot token from bot father.
- Get MongoDB cluster URI from mongodb.com
- add env variables. For linux add these two lines in your .bashrc
export TELE=<your bot token>
export MongoURI=<your mongodb URI>
- run ./start.sh in project home directory. IMP
Please see project section in github.
With features enabled.
Only with marks and ranks module enabled.
Please refer to blog.