paper: "Belief Decay or Persistence? A Mixed-method Study on Belief Movement Over Time"
3-trial-quant-qual: Contains datasets (especially slicing performed) used in the exploratory analysis.
- quant-for-qual: quantitative analysis for qualitative trends
- qual-for-quant: qualitative analysis for quantitative trends
data: Contains datasets used for:
- quantitative analysis
- qualitative analysis and prototypical coding performed (as well as grouping/slicing for decay, maintenance, and strengthen)
- pilot data collected (version 1 to version 3)
- exploratory analysis (consistency analysis)
plots: Contains plots produced for the paper. The remaining plots (if not present) can be found in scripts: belief persistence.Rproj, paper_plots,ipynb
Note: Duplicate versions represent alternative representations of the same data.
- study-flow-snapshots: contains snapshots of the final study
- accessMongo: accessing data from the database and creating csv files
- paper_plots, analysis.R: analysis and plots created in the paper