This project is to provide an intuitive view of how algorithms works, which is by visualizing them and looking at what operations are performed at every step. Most people are visual learners and algorithms can be confusing at times. With this in mind, I approached this project to compile a list of classic algorithms in computer science for various fields.
- JavaScript/HTML/CSS
- p5.js (an awesome library for drawing things!)
- jQuery
- Django (although back-end is not at all required, all files are static)
Dijkstra SSP
Prims MST
Value Iteration
Genetic Algorithm
Sorting - Insertion Sort
Sorting - Quick Sort
Convex Hull
Travelling Salesman
Linear Regression
Quick Sort
A* path finding
Although most of the code has been written from scratch I picked up some sketches from p5.js and made them more interactive and fine-tuned to my taste. Most importantly, thanks to Daniel Shiffman