Based on Hearthstone Tracker, Track-o-Bot, Lotus Tracker is a Magic The Gathering Arena deck tracker written in C++ using QT5, allowing to build a light and multiplatform software.
This source code already builds a Windows and Mac OS version of Lotus Tracker.
- Multiplatform (Windows and Mac OS)
- Show player deck and mark drawn cards
- Show opponent drawn cards
- Show opponent's deck archetype (Based on cards played)
- Hover to see full card
- Draft Helper with LSV cards tier
- Player draw statistics
- Player deck winrate
- Minimize tracker on right click
- Choose between two card layouts
- Configure opacity and zoom
- Dual monitor support
- Access you collection, deck and matches in MtgLotusValley
You can download the latest version of Lotus Tracker here
- Install QT Creator with MinGW 32 bits and OpenSSL
- Rename
- Setup Sparkle (Auto update framework)
- Setup QtKeyChain
- Open project (
- Run
- Clone QtKeyChain to same Lotus Tracker project level folder
* Open cmd and go for qtkeychain folder
* mkdir build
* cd build
* %QTDIR% should point something like e.g C:\Qt\5.12.3\mingw73_32
* cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%QTDIR%\lib\cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles"
* cmake --build . --config release
- Clone QtKeyChain to same Lotus Tracker project level folder
* Open terminal and go for qtkeychain folder
* mkdir build
* cd build
* %QTDIR% should point something like e.g ~\Qt\5.12.3\clang_64
* cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${QTDIR}/lib/cmake
* make
- Download Sparkle
- Move Sparkle.framework to
- Download WinSparkle
- Unpack to same Lotus Tracker project level folder and rename it to
Feel free to submit pull requests, suggest new ideas and discuss issues.
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 3.0.
Many thanks to Steven Schmid for make Track-o-bot an open source project. This project would not be possible without that amazing project.