This is a collection of suffix tree algorithms, implemented in C. The featured algorithms are:
- The longest to shortest suffix order naive algorithm
- McCreight's algorithm
- Ukkonen's algorithm
The naive algorithm has a worst-case performance of roughly O(n^2), while both McCreight's algorithm and Ukkonen's algorithm are O(n). But, while McCreight's algorithm always requires access to the whole string from the start, Ukkonen's algorithm is online (it reads the string one character at a time).
The algorithms compile to one executable each. When run without arguments they start a benchmark that prints a gnuplot script that plots the performance results. When run with an argument, they produce the suffix tree of the argument and they output it as a graphviz file. You can pipe the output directly into gnuplot/graphviz if you're in a hurry.
These algorithms can be compiled with gcc or
clang on Linux and OS X, or with
mingw-w64 on Windows. Just open a shell
and run make
If you want to compile with Visual Studio on Windows, you'll have to make the Visual Studio project yourself. It should work without modifications.
For understanding both McCreight's algorithm and Ukkonen's algorithm, I found these lecture slides by Thomas Mailund very useful. They use a more visual approach than most other material I've read; if you like visualizing things in your head to understand them, they will most definitively be useful.
Despite their very good description, the implementation of McCreight's algorithm found in Mailund's slides is a bit chaotic because it does not properly segregate suffix link creation and it does not handle special cases in a smooth way. These slides by Juha Kärkkäinen have a very scant description of the algorithm, but they also present a very streamlined implementation in pseudocode. I reccommend reading at them after reading Mailund's slides.
If you find formal notations more natural, this paper by R. Giegerich and S. Kurtz contains the most succint descriptions and pseudocode of McCreight and Ukkonen's algorithms that I've seen. The goal of the paper is proving that Ukkonen's algorithm is none other than McCreight's algorithm in disguise (and it turns out that it is).
These slides by Guy Blelloch explain Ukkonen's algorithm as it was popularized in "Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences" by D. Gusfield. Not as clear as Mailund's slides in my opinion, but pretty decent nontheless. Notable is the fact that, while it is not obvious at first glance, a complete pseudocode explanation of the algorithm is present in slide 19 (most explanations of this algorithm have no pseudocode at all for some reason).
Last (and least), many people recommend reading this explanation of Ukkonen's algorithm on stackoverflow, but I do not. It focuses a lot on the specifics of the implementation, and on specific special cases, and not on the general idea behind the algorithm; and it is even wrong on how suffix links should be handled (the second-rated answer clears it up but the damage is done; the thing is even linked on Wikipedia). I do not say this for direspect of the author, but because this is the first thing I came across while researching suffix links, and it confused me for quite some time.
I am recommending (or not) this material based on personal experience; the fact that it worked (or not) for me does not mean it will also work (or not) for you. If you do not manage to understand these algorithms with these resources and my implementation, do your own research.
Weiner, P. (1973), "Linear pattern matching algorithms", 14th Annual IEEE Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory, pp. 1–11
McCreight, Edward M. (1976), "A Space-Economical Suffix Tree Construction Algorithm", Journal of the ACM, 23 (2): 262–272
Ukkonen, E. (1995), "On-line construction of suffix trees", Algorithmica, 14 (3): 249–260