Releases: silent-destroyer/tunic-randomizer
Tunic Randomizer 3.2.1
Important Logic Fix
Fixed a logic bug with the single player randomizer that was causing unbeatable seeds on ladder shuffle and potentially unbeatable seeds on regular settings as well. Single player seeds created on the original 3.2.0 release are not compatible with this release.
Is this version backwards compatible?
- Archipelago games: ✅
- Single player seeds: ❌
The rest of the patch notes from 3.2.0 are below:
Archipelago Updates
- The Archipelago.Multiclient.Net library that the mod uses to communicate with Archipelago has been updated, so be sure to copy/replace all the files in the release download into the plugins folder, as the mod won't work without it.
- Decreased the wait time between items being received, making collects/releases go by much faster.
- Added better detection for if you become disconnected in the middle of an Archipelago game.
- In the event of a disconnect, checks become unable to be sent or interacted with, preventing progress from being lost.
- When editing connection info (player, host, port, etc) on the title screen, pressing enter will now save and close the field being edited instead of accidentally pressing continue/new game/etc.
Single Player Randomizer Updates
Ladder Shuffle
- Ladder Shuffle removes many ladders from the game, turning them into items you must find before you can climb them.
- This option was previously only available on Archipelago but is now in the standalone randomizer.
- Some of the underlying logic for the single player rando has been changed significantly in this version, making it incompatible with seeds from previous versions.
Enemy Randomizer Updates
The five main bosses (Garden Knight, Siege Engine, Librarian, Boss Scavenger, and The Heir) are now shuffled into the enemy randomizer :)
- If enemy balancing is on, they will not appear.
- They can appear if enemy balancing is turned off, and can also be toggled off with the new enemy toggles.
- "Limit Boss Spawns" limits the amount of each boss that can spawn to 1.
- It is not advised to turn this setting off or to force every enemy to be a boss via the toggles, as it can cause the game to severely lag in some areas, but I am leaving the option in for those curious enough to see what happens.
Enemy Toggles
Don't like certain enemies? The option to toggle off enemies from appearing in the Enemy Randomizer has been added. You can even turn off enemies completely if you want.
Oops, All [Enemy]
- New option that turns every enemy in an area into the same randomized enemy.
- Works with the enemy toggles if they are enabled
Other New Enemies
- Tiny Skeleton Quartet from NG+ Dark Tomb
New Options and Features
Music Shuffler 🎵
- Option to randomize most of the music that plays throughout the game.
- Includes a submenu to toggle on/off which tracks you want to play.
- Also includes a Jukebox/sound test menu to play any track from the list.
Holy Cross DDR ⬆⬇⬅➡
Arrows appear when you type in directional inputs. If you are in range of a code and input a wrong direction, the arrows will turn red to indicate you need to wait and start over, or gold if you get it right. Option can be found in the "Other Settings" submenu.
Bugfixes + Misc Changes
- Fixed a bug where the item counts in the inventory screen wouldn't reset when swapping between save files under certain circumstances.
- Ghost foxes will now say if you've already found the thing they're telling you about.
- Small change to the ending cutscene when playing Hexagon Quest :)
- The file select screen now shows more information per save file:
- More items and the number of gold hexes for hex quest are now displayed.
- The Archipelago icon is also now shown for Archipelago saves
- New ghost fox added in a dicey location 🦊🥶
- Added two new fool trap types
- Added a sign in the Sealed Temple that tells you the amount of remaining checks per area (similar to the ending stats screen).
- Various other small QoL additions
(what is that fox looking at?)
Thanks to @ScipioWright, @shouldice, and everyone else that helped with this version.
Tunic Randomizer 3.2.0
Music Shuffle, Boss Rando, Ladder Shuffle, and...DDR?
Is this version backwards compatible?
- Archipelago games: ✅
- Single player seeds: ❌
Archipelago Updates
- The Archipelago.Multiclient.Net library that the mod uses to communicate with Archipelago has been updated, so be sure to copy/replace all the files in the release download into the plugins folder, as the mod won't work without it.
- Decreased the wait time between items being received, making collects/releases go by much faster.
- Added better detection for if you become disconnected in the middle of an Archipelago game.
- In the event of a disconnect, checks become unable to be sent or interacted with, preventing progress from being lost.
- When editing connection info (player, host, port, etc) on the title screen, pressing enter will now save and close the field being edited instead of accidentally pressing continue/new game/etc.
Single Player Randomizer Updates
Ladder Shuffle
- Ladder Shuffle removes many ladders from the game, turning them into items you must find before you can climb them.
- This option was previously only available on Archipelago but is now in the standalone randomizer.
- Some of the underlying logic for the single player rando has been changed significantly in this version, making it incompatible with seeds from previous versions.
Enemy Randomizer Updates
The five main bosses (Garden Knight, Siege Engine, Librarian, Boss Scavenger, and The Heir) are now shuffled into the enemy randomizer :)
- If enemy balancing is on, they will not appear.
- They can appear if enemy balancing is turned off, and can also be toggled off with the new enemy toggles.
- "Limit Boss Spawns" limits the amount of each boss that can spawn to 1.
- It is not advised to turn this setting off or to force every enemy to be a boss via the toggles, as it can cause the game to severely lag in some areas, but I am leaving the option in for those curious enough to see what happens.
Enemy Toggles
Don't like certain enemies? The option to toggle off enemies from appearing in the Enemy Randomizer has been added. You can even turn off enemies completely if you want.
Oops, All [Enemy]
- New option that turns every enemy in an area into the same randomized enemy.
- Works with the enemy toggles if they are enabled
Other New Enemies
- Tiny Skeleton Quartet from NG+ Dark Tomb
New Options and Features
Music Shuffler 🎵
- Option to randomize most of the music that plays throughout the game.
- Includes a submenu to toggle on/off which tracks you want to play.
- Also includes a Jukebox/sound test menu to play any track from the list.
Holy Cross DDR ⬆⬇⬅➡
Arrows appear when you type in directional inputs. If you are in range of a code and input a wrong direction, the arrows will turn red to indicate you need to wait and start over, or gold if you get it right. Option can be found in the "Other Settings" submenu.
Bugfixes + Misc Changes
- Fixed a bug where the item counts in the inventory screen wouldn't reset when swapping between save files under certain circumstances.
- Ghost foxes will now say if you've already found the thing they're telling you about.
- Small change to the ending cutscene when playing Hexagon Quest :)
- The file select screen now shows more information per save file:
- More items and the number of gold hexes for hex quest are now displayed.
- The Archipelago icon is also now shown for Archipelago saves
- New ghost fox added in a dicey location 🦊🥶
- Added two new fool trap types
- Added a sign in the Sealed Temple that tells you the amount of remaining checks per area (similar to the ending stats screen).
- Various other small QoL additions
(what is that fox looking at?)
Thanks to @ScipioWright, @shouldice, and everyone else that helped with this version.
Tunic Randomizer 3.1.1
The Tunic Randomizer is now officially supported on Archipelago! You can now view the game page, download a yaml and generate a Tunic game straight from the website!
- Minor bugfixes and other changes.
- Resolved an issue with the first steps hint in Entrance Rando.
- Made the location groups slightly better for Archipelago.
- Added a new spot for a ghost fox hint to spawn.
- You can now open the cathedral secret door from the inside.
- Only one shop will be accessible if "fewer shops" is turned on with entrance rando.
- Removed a potential softlock that could occur after using the torch at nighttime.
This update is compatible with games started on 3.1.0, and is compatible with the latest Archipelago 0.4.5 RC version.
The TUNIC Speedrunning community holds weekly randomizer races on Mondays! If this interests you, I encourage you to join the community Discord for our next races on Monday, April 1st!
Tunic Randomizer 3.1.0
Ladder Shuffle (Archipelago)
- Several individual ladders and groups of ladders have been turned into items, requiring you to find them before they can be used. This blocks off access to many different areas in the game, adding a new layer of progression to the randomizer.
- Construction signs will be scattered all around the world, and interacting with them will tell you the name of the ladder item needed to unlock the ladder. In many cases, multiple ladders are tied to the same item.
- This option can currently only be enabled through Archipelago, so if you wish to play with it solo you will have to generate a solo Archipelago game with it for now. It may get added as a standalone option for single player in a future update.
- Currently, the first steps mailbox hint does not account for ladders being in your way, but is still accurate for when you do gain access to the specified area.
- Credit to @ScipioWright for working on the logic for this on the AP side
Bugfixes and Other Changes
- Added support for connection plando for entrance rando in Archipelago
- A custom seed can be used for determining the entrances in entrance rando in Archipelago by changing the value in the YAML for
to any string besides 'true', 'false', or '0' - Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when loading into the Title Screen.
- Corrected the amount of holy cross checks the ending screen says there are (now says 35 instead of 41).
- The money spawning animation is now skipped if skip item popups is turned on.
- Starting a New Game on Archipelago will now always re-process any previously received items (it used to require disconnecting and reconnecting if done in the same session after loading another file).
Tunic Randomizer 3.0.2
More Bugfixes
This update is compatible with seeds started on Versions 3.0.0 and 3.0.1, and with any Archipelago games generated on 3.0.0/3.0.1 as well.
- Completely rewrote the copy/paste settings functionality for single player mode. The new settings string format is much more compact and will now copy every setting (except options under the Archipelago and Fox Customization submenus).
- Try it!
<-- This string will import settings for a game with seed 469126772.
- Try it!
- Fixed a bug from 3.0.1 where shop items became more expensive than intended.
- Added a toggle for the change in 3.0.1 for allowing unpowered checkpoint statues to be used.
- This allows the statues in quarry, swamp, fortress, etc. to be used without the fuses being dropped.
- Also fixed a bug from 3.0.1 where the upgrade menu wouldn't work at checkpoints that were enabled but not otherwise powered.
- Fixed a bug where the ghost foxes would sometimes still spawn with the setting turned off.
- Fixed a bug where the SP and MP hero relic icons were swapped in the speedrun finish line display.
- Fixed an issue where certain randomizer UI elements were too big or improperly placed when playing on certain resolutions.
- Changed the names of some of the Enemy Randomizer settings to be more straightforward.
Enemy Difficulty
is now just a single toggleBalanced Enemies
.Enemy Generation
is now just a single toggle calledSeeded Enemies
- Small logic bugfix for entrance rando
tunic.apworld Changes (Archipelago)
- Small logic bugfixes for entrance rando
- Added boss quick kills to nmg/unrestricted logic option
- Added better path info for hints in the text client when playing with randomized entrances
(Despite changes to the apworld in this version, this version is still fully compatible with Archipelago games generated using the previous apworld provided in 3.0.0 and 3.0.1.)
Known Issues
- If you experience the game crashing when it loads the Title Screen for the first time, try deleting the Randomizer folder in Tunic's AppData folder (and optionally making a backup of it first in case you have a custom texture you want to save). I'm not sure what causes this yet, but people have reported it happening as well as this being a way to fix it.
- The folder is found at %localappdata%low\Andrew Shouldice\Secret Legend\Randomizer
Tunic Randomizer 3.0.1
Minor Bugfixes
This update is compatible with seeds started on Version 3.0.0.
- Fixed a bug where the ghost hints would sometimes say a different Hero Relic than the one they were actually hinting at (single player).
- Buying non-randomized shop items with "Skip Item Popups" on will now skip the item popup and display a notification message instead.
- Fixed a bug where the three Hexagon hint graves would all say the same location in Hexagon Quest (single player).
- All campfire statues are enabled now, regardless of power/fuse status.
Known Issues
- Upgrading doesn't work at campfires that don't have power still.
- The cheaper shop item toggle accidentally makes the regular shop items more expensive.
- To work around this, turn off the setting before buying regular shop items.
Tunic Randomizer 3.0.0
Archipelago Integration & More
The multiworld version of the Tunic Randomizer was recently merged into Archipelago, and will be included in their next release! Thank you to everyone who has been playing, providing feedback, and helping us get to where we are today.
A few important changes:
- This release combines the Archipelago client mod and the standalone randomizer mod into one, allowing you to play both types of randomizers without needing to switch mods.
- The Archipelago client repo will not be updated anymore. Instead, all future updates to both the Single Player and Archipelago randomizers will be found here.
- If you're updating from an older version of the Archipelago mod, you should delete the
Tunic Archipelago
folder in your BepInex/plugins folder. Your settings won't carry over, but this should be the last time the settings file gets moved. - As with previous Archipelago versions, this client version is not backwards compatible, so please use the newest apworld and yaml included in this release.
- YAML files from previous versions will not work with this version, so please use the new template yaml provided.
New Logic Options (Single Player)
Some of these options have been in the Archipelago version for a while, but are now available in the standalone version.
Hero's Laurels Location
- An option to place the Hero's Laurels at a predetermined location. Currently, the options are:
- 6 or 10 Coin Tosses
- 10 Fairy Reward
Maskless and Lanternless Logic
- Toggles that will remove the mask and/or lantern from being a logical requirement in the randomizer, meaning you may be expected to traverse through the miasma in Quarry or through dark areas without said items.
Mystery Seed
- A toggle that will randomly choose the logic settings when you hit New Game
Race Mode
A setting to make races easier to set rules for and organize. Turning on Race Mode disables the Spoiler Log and allows the following other techniques to be toggled on or off:
- Using the icebolt in the fight with The Heir.
- Ringing the West Belltower from long distance.
- Ice grappling towards enemies (the East Forest slime check is excluded from this rule).
- The use of Ladder Storage.
- The use of the Upgrade Stealing glitch.
New QoL Things
Heir Fast Travel
- If you don't succeed at defeating the heir, a teleporter will spawn at the overworld save point to get you back in the action more quickly.
Hint Updates
- The candles at the Hero's Graves will tell you if you've found the hinted-at item. If the candle is on, the item has been found.
- Additionally, finding all 6 of the hinted items from the Hero's Graves will change their hints into ones for the Hero Relics, for some extra late-game comfort.
- This is indicated by a blue flame appearing at the Hero's Graves.
Entrance Seeking Spell
Typing in the reverse of the Fairy Spell (RDR ULU) while playing with randomized entrances will spawn a set of fairies that will seek out the nearest entrance you haven't gone through yet. Only works for entrances in the immediate area you are in.
Misc Changes
Enemy Randomizer
- Reduced the likelihood of the Table Administrators and Turrets from blocking your path.
- Added some enemy variants from the Librarian and Cathedral fights to the random enemy pool.
- Slight adjustments to Balanced mode to reduce certain enemies from appearing earlier on.
- The gate in Swamp will now open after activating the Overworld fuse.
- Fixed a potential softlock in the East Forest Hero's Grave path.
- Renamed the Ice Rod ability -> Icebolt
- Bugfixes
Tunic Randomizer 2.0.0
Doors and More
What are version numbers anyway?
Entrance Randomizer
The Tunic Randomizer now features an Entrance Randomizer mode, almost entirely thanks to @ScipioWright! In this mode, all entrances, doors, teleporters and more become randomly connected to each other! Who knows where you'll end up?
- With Entrance Randomizer, it may sometimes be possible to enter an area from which you cannot return. For cases like this, the Torch item has been added and is given at the start of entrance rando seeds. Using it will warp you back to the Overworld save statue, allowing you to continue progressing elsewhere.
- When playing without Entrance Randomization, the Torch will also be given to the player when they find the Dath Stone. Using the Torch does not overwrite the warp point of the Dath Stone, allowing you to maintain up to two separate save warps!
Fixed Shop Entrance Option
- This option reduces the amount of shop entrances that can be found in entrance rando to 2, and will always place one of them at the Overworld Windmill entrance.
Hexagon Quest Updates
Hexagon Quest now has expanded options, allowing you to configure the amount of Gold Hexagons in the item pool, as well as how many are needed to win. The more hexagons there are in the item pool, the less consumable items you will find, so keep that in mind.
With Ability Shuffling turned on, you will now unlock a new ability after reaching 25%, 50%, and 75% of your required amount of Hexagons.
Enemy Randomizer Updates
- New enemy types have been added to the random enemy pool:
- Scavengers that throw either Fire or Ice Bombs
- An unused Scavenger type that shoots ice bullets
- An unused centipede enemy
- An unused enemy called "Shadowreaper"
- Fixed an issue with Balanced difficulty not working in Bottom of the Well.
- Enemies with multiple phases (like the Administrators and Voidling spiders) now work correctly.
- Excluded certain enemies that are used to reach chests from being randomized, such as the turret in Frog's Domain and the slime in East Forest.
Misc Changes and Bugfixes
- The Shop in the Swamp is now accessible during the day.
- The ladder shortcut on the upper level of Swamp (behind the shop) can now be accessed during the day.
- Ice Bombs and Peppers can be purchased from the shop.
- The Level 4 Sword can now hit the Bells and Bridge Switches.
- The sword upgrades are now their own items and can be equipped separately from each other.
- True Ending will now trigger on the first visit to the heir if you already have all pages.
- Speedrun Mode is no longer forced on by default.
- Added a button on the title screen to open the Spoiler Log.
Tunic Randomizer 0.0.17
Birthday Update 🎉
Today marks one year since the first release of the Tunic Randomizer!
So, it's only fitting to release an update with a couple of new things:
New Options
Turn All Custom Dialogue/Hints in Trunic
For the experienced Ruin Seekers out there, this option translates nearly all of the custom dialogue, hints, and other text in the randomizer into messages containing only Trunic characters.
Hexagon Quest + Shuffle Abilities
Ability Shuffling now works alongside Hexagon Quest. It works a bit differently than in the normal randomizer, however.
Instead of needing to find specific pages to unlock the abilities, a random ability (prayer, holy cross, or ice rod) will instead be unlocked upon collecting 5, 10, and 15 Gold Hexagons respectively.
Vanilla Items (Unrandomized)
This option allows you to play without randomized items while still having access to all of the other features of the randomizer, like sword upgrades, custom items, enemy randomization, etc.
Item Appearance Changes
- The key to the Old House will now appear as its own distinct color, differentiating it from the other two yellow keys.
- The Hero Laurels item pickup will match the custom/random color you have set.
- Hero Relics will match their overworld appearance now when picked up
Tunic Multiworld
The Tunic Randomizer is currently in development for Archipelago Multiworld support, and has a playable beta version out that you can find here!
Misc. Changes and Fixes
- Added a toggle in the quick settings box to disable the spoiler log from being generated.
- This is mainly to make it easier to facilitate races, etc. The spoiler log can be generated at any time for any seed by turning the setting back on and re-loading the file.
- Added an additional measure to prevent enemy randomizer from breaking.
- This fix may not be perfect, so if enemy randomizer continues to break on this update please report it to me. In the case that it breaks, it can still be fixed by restarting the game.
- Renamed certain location names for hints to avoid confusion:
- "Dusty" -> "Fortress Leaf Piles" (the room with the leaf piles) -
- "Overworld West Secret" -> "Fountain Cross Door" (the holy cross door in overworld near the fountain)
- "Overworld East Secret" -> "Southeast Cross Door" (the holy cross door in overworld near the swamp)
- Small adjustments to some text on the ending stats screen
- Fixed time of day resetting at the start of Hexagon Quest
- Removed Boss Locations from Ghost Hints if Keys Behind Bosses is enabled.
Tunic Randomizer 0.0.16
Minor Update
- Normalized the time delay between opening a chest and receiving the item from it for every chest/item type. Previously, some items would popup slightly faster than others when opening chests due to quirks in how certain special item types needed to be rewarded to the player.
- New QoL Option: Disable Chest Interruption
- Getting hit by an enemy while opening a chest will not cancel the opening animation or re-close the chest.
- Addressed an issue from the previous release where coming out of a teleporter would cause the game to freeze for a few seconds.