This library provides some functions to convert various data types and formats into other formats that are not covered by the built-in functionalities.
Currently, there are two categories:
- Converting integer values to Strings and Strings to Integer values
- Converting time formats from different systems
apax add @simatic-ax/conversion
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NAMESPACE Simatic.Ax.Conversion
ConversionMode : WORD (
NONE := WORD#16#0000,
FORCE_SIGN := WORD#16#0001
Mode | Example | Result |
NONE | Integer.ToString(value := 123) | '123' |
FORCE_SIGN | Integer.ToString(value := 123, mode := ConversionMode#FORCE_SIGN) | '+123' |
Integer.ToString(value : SINT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[4];
Integer.ToString(value : USINT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[4];
Integer.ToString(value : INT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[6];
Integer.ToString(value : UINT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[6];
Integer.ToString(value : DINT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[11];
Integer.ToString(value : UDINT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[11];
Integer.ToString(value : LINT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[20];
Integer.ToString(value : ULINT, mode : ConversionMode) : STRING[21];
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => SINT) : BOOL;
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => INT) : BOOL;
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => DINT) : BOOL;
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => LINT) : BOOL;
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => USINT) : BOOL;
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => UINT) : BOOL;
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => UDINT) : BOOL;
Strings.ToInt(str : STRING, value => ULINT) : BOOL;
Values > MAX ULINT will handled as MOD MAX_ULINT (MAX_ULINT = 18446744073709551615);
LDateAndTimeToSimotionDateToD(SimaticTime : LDATE_AND_TIME, SimotionTime => DWORD, SimotionDate => DWORD);
SimotionDateToDToLDateAndTime(SimotionTime := DWORD, SimotionDate := DWORD) : LDATE_AND_TIME;
This function convert a string containing a hex number into a hex number
ret := Strings.ToHex(str := 'a231', n := 4, result => res); // res = WORD#16#a231
ReturnValue | Explanation |
WORD#16#0000 | no error |
WORD#16#0007 | invalid character |
WORD#16#8182 | Input buffer is too small for data in the N parameter |
WORD#16#8482 | Output buffer is too small for data in the N parameter |
The function ToArray.OfCharCount()
converts a string into a array of CHAR
- When the string is longer than the array, then the string will be cut. The function returns the length of the array.
- When the string is shorter then the array. The complete string can be copied to the array. The elements behind will not be touched. The function returns the length of the string
- arrays with other start index than 0 are supported
- only one dimensional arrays are supported
Strings.ToArray.OfCharCount(str : STRING, arr : ARRAY[*] OF CHAR) : DINT;
ToArray.OfCharCount() : DINT | Returns the number of copied characters |
str : STRING | Source string |
arr : ARRAY[*] OF CHAR | Destination array |
Strings.ToArray.OfLint(str : STRING, arr : ARRAY[*] of LINT) : BOOL;
Convert a String "[123, 456, 789]" to an ARRAY[*] OF LINT and returns TRUE if the conversion was successful. If the target array arr
is to small, the function returns also true
but converts not more elements than the size of the destination array. If you want the number of converted elements, then ist the function ToArray.OfLintCount()
Strings.ToArray.OfLintCount(str : STRING, arr : ARRAY[*] of LINT) : DINT;
Convert a String "[123, 456, 789]" to an ARRAY[*] OF LINT and returns the number of converted elements,
ToArray() : STRING | Returns the string created of the array. Arrays > 254 elements will be cut off |
arr : ARRAY[*] OF CHAR | Source array |
startIdx : INT | Start index |
endIdx : INT | End index |
when startIdx and endIdx are not used, the whole array until max string length will be copied. Implausible indices will return a empty string. Examples:
- startIdx > endIdx
- startIdx out of the array boundaries startIdx : 1 and Array[5..10]
- endIdx out of the array boundaries endIdx : 15 and Array[0..10]
TRUNC() round a floating number no the next DINT value downwards to zero
TRUNC(value : LREAL) : DINT;
TRUNC(value : REAL) : DINT;
Convert the date and time of a SIMOTION system into the data type LDATE_AND_TIME (LDT) and back. The SIMOTION format is a structured data type consisting of two 32-bit values. For the sake of simplicity, they are interpeted as DWORD.
NAMESPACE Simatic.Ax.Conversion.Times
SimotionDateTime : STRUCT
SimotionTime : DWORD;
SimotionDate : DWORD;
SimotionTime : DWORD | Milliseconds that have passed on the current day |
SimotionDate : DWORD | Days that have passed since 1992-01-01 |
SimaticTime : LDATE_AND_TIME | Nanoseconds that have passed since 1970-01-01-00:00:00.000 |
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