This repository contains project report and supporting code submitted in spring 17 for meeting the requirements of MAE 538: Design of Smart Material systems course taken under Dr. Matthew Bryant at NC State University.
Optimal vibration suppression of a beam using collocated piezoelectric sensor/actuator pairs was investigated in this project. A state space model for simulating time response of first four modes of a beam with up to three piezoelectric sensor/actuator pairs was developed. Total integrated energy stored in the system was minimized by varying the position of piezoelectric patches of constant length while keeping feedback gains constant using genetic algorithm. Peak modal time response amplitude after 1 second was compared for first four vibration modes with different number of patches. Finally, the improvement in vibration suppression obtained by increasing number of piezoelectric patches was tabulated to get a sense of the tradeoff associated with cost and performance.
A more detailed discussion can be found in "VinodKumar_Singla_MAE538_Project_Report.pdf" file.
Current Students: Please avoid plagiarizing this code as it results in violation of the NC state academic code of conduct