Web solution for my personal curriculum vitae ;)
Use the package manager npm to install Josh CV dependencies
npm install
In the project directory, you can run:
npm format
Runs the formatter mode engines by Prettier which searches for {.js} files and fix wrong format to correct format
npm start:dev
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:6000 to view it in the console. The server will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
npm run start
Enables the production mode which prevent the server to re-start
Enables the server for deplyment on a pm2 instance.
Some examples of usage:
npm run deploy:pm2
Runs the production mode with ecosystem file that is previosly config in package.json file
npm run log:pm2
Runs the pm2 log comand to watch the process that is being served with the current project
npm run stop:pm2
Runs the pm2 stop comand & stops only this instance
npm run restart:pm2
Runs pm2 restart comand only for this instance
npm run monit:pm2
Runs pm2 monit comand