typeopp-learning skeleton - built with Angular5 + Redux pattern + TypeScript + Webpack + Angular Material Design.
by @kiranchowdhury This repository provides the skeleton for typeopplearning UI using [Angular5], It also uses [Angular Material Design] for various UI components, NPM as package manager, TypeScript and Webpack as module loader.
- TypeScript
- TSLint
- @types
- Webpack 3
- Karma + Jasmine (Comming Soon)
- Protractor
- Styling using SASS
- Code Coverage
- Angular 5
- Lazy-loading
- Lazy reducers
- LocalStorage ui state persistence
for API requests - Time travel debigging capability
- angular-material and custom components in
- Production build containing chunks
- [] Custom themes support (Comming Soon)
- Fully responsive design
1. Install node from - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
(Make sure the version of node is 8.9.x or later)
2. Install Google Chorome if not installed already
3. Time Travel Debugging -
Download the [Redux Devtools Extension](http://zalmoxisus.github.io/redux-devtools-extension/)
4. IDE => I prefer to use Visual Studio Code.. but any IDE of your choice will be ok. You can install
the Visual Studio Code from here (https://code.visualstudio.com/download).
5. Clone the project from git -
git clone https://github.com/kiranchowdhury/typeopp-learning.git
6. Installing the app -
npm install
cd ibm-ui
7. Steps to run while you are in development mode -
(The Frond end will be served from http-server and the node BFF will be served from Node HTTP Server.
A ng cli proxy has been configured to resolve the cross domeanin security issue.
When you run the app development mode, your change will automatically be published and
browser will be reloaded.)
- to start the node backend (BFF):
Open a terminal/cmd promt and then run => "npm run node:start"
- to start the ePricer frontend app:
Open another terminal and then run => "npm run start"
- Chrome Browser will automatically open and application will be launched
8. Running the app in production mode
(Both the front end and BFF will be serverd from Node Http Server)
- npm run node:prod
npm start
- starts a dev server and opens browser with running appnpm run test
- runs lint and testsnpm run watch
- runs tests in watch modenpm run prod
- runs full prod build and serves prod bundlenpm run prettier
- runs prettier to format whole code base (.ts
)npm run analyze
- runs full prod build andwebpack-bundle-analyzer
to visualize how much code is shipped (dependencies & application)
- Blog post about Best Practices for Angular CLI used in this starter project
Built with and uses Angular CLI