Web scraping (web harvesting or web data extraction) is a computer software technique of extracting information from websites.
ASNs (Autonomous System Numbers) are one of the building blocks of the Internet. This project is to create a mapping from each ASN in use to the company that owns it. For example, ASN 36375 is used by the University of Michigan - http://bgp.he.net/AS36375
The site http://bgp.he.net/ has lots of useful information about ASNs. Starting at http://bgp.he.net/report/world crawl and scrape the linked country reports to make a structure mapping each ASN to info about that ASN. Sample structure: {3320: {'Country': 'DE', 'Name': 'Deutsche Telekom AG', 'Routes v4': 13547, 'Routes v6': 268}, 36375: {'Country': 'US', 'Name': 'University of Michigan', 'Routes v4': 14, 'Routes v6': 1}}