A simple tool for Android modular communication and page navigating.
dependencies {
// add dependency, please replace x.y.z to the latest version
implementation "com.xueqiu.moduleplugin:plugin:x.y.z"
// if you need page navigation
implementation "com.xueqiu.moduleplugin:router:x.y.z"
Create a method provider interface in a public module.
interface IAppMethodProvider : BaseMethodProvider {
fun test() // the methods you want to provide for other modules
Implement methods in your module.
class AppMethodProvider : IAppMethodProvider {
override fun test() {
Log.e("method provider", "test")
Then create your module plugin class.
@ModulePlugin(name = "app")
class AppModulePlugin : BaseModulePlugin() {
override fun init() {
// do something you need
override fun getMethodProvider(): BaseMethodProvider? = AppMethodProvider() // replace to your module method provider
And use it like below.
ModulePluginManager.init(AppModulePlugin()) // put it to the right place
val provider = ModulePluginManager.getMethodProvider<IAppMethodProvider>("app")
If you need page navigating between modules, add @RoutePage to your activity.
class TestActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Register it in your module plugin.
override fun init() {
// do something you need
Or only register an action.
RouterManager.register(Route("^/test/manual$", object : Route.Action {
override fun run(ctx: Context, intent: Intent) {
intent.putExtra("test key", "test value")
Then use it everywhere.
RouterManager.open(this, "/test") // replace to your url
And you can use router manager to handle app link.
RouterManager.handleAppLink(this) { appLink ->
return@handleAppLink appLink.startsWith("xueqiu") && !appLink.contains("https") // replace this line to your rules
Test it:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "[scheme://appLink]" [app package name]