Spring Boot Project for getting weather report.
Mostly, weather-project
was designed for sake of
implementing gRPC in Spring Boot project and get knowledge
how to work with third-party APIs.
As a result, we got MVP project that ready-to-use. You can easily enter your TOKENs, build project and test it out.
Detailed requirements for running each module you can find in its README.
- Java 17
- Spring (Boot, Reactive, gRPC)
- gRPC + Proto
- Java Multithreading
Take into account that
writes in log a real TOKENs. So, you should disable that filter, or encode tokens. It was done intentionally.
Async execution works unstable cause telegram's limit of sent requests. To avoid it, you may limit amount of weather report produced by
Proto module should be built firstly, otherwise you got exceptions while building other modules.