Contributors: tareq1988, wedevs, nizamuddinbabu
Donate Link:
Tags: WooCommerce multivendor marketplace, multi vendor marketplace, multi seller store, product vendors, woocommerce vendor, commission rate, e-commerce, ebay, ecommerce, yith, yithemes
Requires at least: 4.4
Tested up to: 5.4.2
WC requires at least: 3.0
WC tested up to: 4.3.1
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 3.0.7
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
The pioneer multi-vendor plugin for WordPress. Start your own marketplace in minutes!
👉 Official Free Demo Link: Official Demo 👉 Learn More About Dokan(PRO): All The Features of Dokan
Dokan is the best front end multi-vendor marketplace on WordPress, powered by WooCommerce. It helps you to build your own marketplace similar to Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Magento like marketplaces in under 30 minutes.
Dokan is the fastest way to start eCommerce and earn through commissions with products ranging from digital, physical to variable products.
🏆 Dokan wins two prestigious awards with 99% user satisfaction
🔖 How to Setup a WordPress Marketplace with Multiple Vendors
🔖 How to create a Multi-Vendor Marketplace for WordPress using Dokan
🔖 Dokan Theme Review: A Multi-Vendor Marketplace Theme for WordPress
🎉 “Great Platform to start and grow your business with. Provides the ability to grow our startup to a global level with a low financial burden”
🎉 “Dokan is a product with a huge potential. And has evolved during the last years. We have implemented a stable marketplace environment serving hundreds of satisfied customers using this tool”
🎉 “Best Multivendor Wordpress Plugin Available”
🎉 “I have been using Dokan for 3 years. Overall experiences with the software are awesome!”
🎉 “Best investment we made last year”
🎉 “Very good, dokan has improved a lot in these years and allowed me to easily create a marketplace”
➡️ Learn More ⬅️
👨 “This is why we are proud to be using Dokan as with it we are able to give you all the tools to help manage and run a successful business.” – Michael Delaney, Owner of ShoppeRegion
💁 “It was really important to me that sellers did not need to ever see the WordPress backend. Dokan offered this solution.” - Simon & Rozz Lewis, owner of
👨 ”Dokan allows our coral farmers to setup their own vendor store and publish their corals to a wide audience.” - Dominique Deutzmann, Founder of CommunityCorals
💁 “The functionality delivers everything that you need to grow your marketplace.” - Hawk and Peddle
We love the philosophy of a complete frontend experience. So, vendors have their own personalized dashboard on the store frontend where they can find all that they need.
Backend access is restricted to the admin only. This sets Dokan apart from others. All of our add-ons are frontend compatible.
Dokan(Pro) comes with a free responsive eCommerce theme that has widgets specially made for Dokan.
Your business operations with Dokan is smooth and fast. Everything will work as you expected because we have designed the experience following the best intuitive practices from popular eCommerce activators like WooCommerce, Bigcommerce etc.
We regularly keep our version updated for flawless operation and integration with dependable services. We just not only keep things compatible, but we also have a style of adding the most trendy new features to Dokan with every update.
👉 See Our Official GitHub page: Official Dokan GitHub
You can have unlimited vendors and vendors can create unlimited products. You will be able to create marketplaces
- Physical product
- Downloadable product
- Variable product
- Bookable products through the Dokan WC Bookings add-on
- Auction products through the Dokan Simple Auction add-on
- More freedom to customize the store Elementor add-on
Profit doesn’t only rely on sales. Multiple ways allow earning through vendor commissions or product based commissions. You can also create subscription packs that allow you to charge for product uploads, product limits and time.
➡️ Learn More ⬅️
As an admin, you can use Dokan in a way where you can control everything that happens in your marketplace. Product publishing, vendor registration, subscription renewal, and every other vendor activity can be rerouted through you.
In the Pro Version with a bunch of super features, updates, and scope for powerful add-ons.
➡️ Learn More ⬅️
Dokan is compatible with more than 60+ plugins so that you don’t have to worry about anything when it comes to compatibility.
From Shipping plugins, Payment plugins to Wallets you have the peace of mind when building Dokan for a global audience.
Now never get bored with the old fashioned appearance of your store. Have full control over your store customization with the Elementor Module for Dokan. Simply get the customizer to be able to customize the global outlook of the vendor store pages. Drag & drop more than 12 incredible store widgets made exclusively for Dokan and place it anywhere you want it. Save as many customized templates as you want to use it whenever you need it
➡️ Learn More ⬅️
- Elementor Customizer (Pro): Get the complete store customization authority for the vendor store page to change its default appearance hassle-free.
Marketplace with Independent Stores
- Every seller gets their own store with a unique URL and branding.
- Beautiful storefront styles with contact details and widgets
- Store location map on the store front. (Pro feature)
Frontend Dashboard For Each Seller
- WordPress admin area can be accessed only by admin.
- Vendors manage products, orders management, withdraws everything from site frontend.
Earn From Each Sale
- A part of the sale value is sent to admin as commission.
- Commission rate can be customized.
- Per vendor percentage override. (Pro)
Simple Product Management
- Create and manage your products from the frontend.
- Create variable or downloadable products. (Pro)
- Your vendors will have support for Zonewise shipping management. (Pro)
- Vendors have the option to manage product attributes. (Pro)
- Vendors can manage downloadable product permission, expiry date and download limit. (Pro)
Detailed Reports on important aspects of your marketplace (Pro)
- Vendors can see their sales report, generate statements and overview from the frontend.
- Admins can overview orders and filter by sale, by date, top vendors or top earners.
- Let Vendors easily switch from another marketplace to your using Export/Import feature.(Pro)
- Vendors will be able to create coupons advanced management features. (Pro)
The vendors has the capability to manage and offer discounts for each product
- Set expiry and restriction for coupons.
- The customer can leave reviews for a product/vendor they are satisfied with. A review cannot be modified by the vendor. (Pro)
- All product reviews are managed by vendors (with admin override)
- View all reviews on products left by customers.
Admin can view and manage vendor list
Admin can view him as well as every vendor’s earning reports individually
Dokan Pro has update and support option for the customer.
Dokan tools option has page installer and Sync table option
Advanced settings for the admin -
General Settings
- Admin can enable/disable the map on the store page.
- Admin can enable/disable the contact form on the store page
- Admin can also enable/disable the store sidebar from theme.
Selling Options
- Admin can manage new product status.
- Admin can set the order status for withdraw.
- Admin can seth threshold withdraw day for the vendor.
- Admin can change the vendor store URL.
- Admin can also enable/disable the permission of review editing for the vendor.
- Best vendor widget
- Featured vendor widget
- Store contact widget
- Store location widget
- And much more.
Dokan comes with a number of extended features that were built around idea that someone with the potential should not be restricted to achieve his/her dream because of any shortcomings. Like,
- PDF Invoice: Create automated multi seller invoices with templates & download in PDF.
- Product Duplicator: Enable vendors to copy a product that another seller is already selling.
- Ajax Live Search (Pro): Turn your regular search bar into an instant advanced product searching tool.
- Geolocation (Pro): Let your customers search by location.
- Live Chat (Pro): Let your vendors give quick real-time support to registered users & customers.
- Seller Verification (Pro): Verify your vendors using their social profiles, phone and even their photo ID.
- Stripe Connect (Pro): Famous for its low fees, use Stripe to all handle all your payments in real time and much more.
- Wirecard(Moip) (Pro): Get to use the popular payment system Wirecard previously known as Moip with Dokan.
- Elementor Customizer (Pro): Get the complete store customization authority for the vendor store page to change its default appearance hassle-free.
- Subscriptions (Pro): Create highly customized subscription packs and charge vendors as you like.
- Vendor Review (Pro): This feature enables your customers to post a review for each store available on your site.
- Vendor Staff Manager (Pro): Let the sellers of your multivendor marketplace a unique opportunity to appoint an unlimited number of staffs to manage their personal eCommerce stores.
- Dokan WooCommerce Booking (Pro): Allows vendors to create & sell bookable products and customers to customize their booking orders.
- Dokan Simple Auctions (Pro): Offer your vendors to enable auction-able products selling feature.
This may have bugs and lack of many features. If you want to contribute to this project, you are more than welcome.
👨💻 Please fork the repository from Github 👨💻
Dokan Lite uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user's confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.
Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure great user experience for all our users.
Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.
This may have bugs and lack of many features. If you want to contribute on this project, you are more than welcome. Please fork the repository from Github.
Brought to you by Tareq Hasan from weDevs
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
A. Just use any standard WooCommerce payment gateway.
A. Right now, we offer PayPal, Bank and Skrill (pro) withdraw method for "Dokan". For PayPal withdraw, you can generate Mass Payment File to payout your sellers at once. Other methods are manual though.
A. Not for the moment. We have plans to integrate with BuddyPress via an add-on in the near future.
A. Yes, Dokan is fully responsive. We take mobile first approach and it displays very well in mobile and tablet devices. We are using Twitter Bootstrap as a framework and it just works.
A. The Pro version does! You can seller normal products, downloadable products and variable products with your own attributes.
A. Right now we have options for only changing the store banner page. We are working on a better customizable seller store page.
A. Yes, that's how Dokan works. In every sales, you can cut a commission from a order. That's configurable from Dokan settings.
A. Obviously, you can use this on a single seller site to give them a nice front-end experience.
A. Just install and activate the PRO version without deleting the free plugin. All your data will be safe on the database and some extra features will be added. If you feel something may go wrong, please consult with our support staff first.
- Admin Dashboard
- Withdraw requests from sellers
- Settings → General
- Settings → Selling Options
- Settings → Withdraw Options
- Settings → Page Settings
- Settings → Appearance
- Seller Dashboard in site frontend
- Frontend → Products Listing
- Frontend → Create a new Product
- Frontend → Edit a product
- Frontend → Orders Listing
- Frontend → Orders → Details
- Frontend → Submit withdraw request
- Frontend → Store Settings
- Frontend → Store Payment Settings
- Frontend → Individual Seller Store-1
- Frontend → Individual Seller Store-2
- Frontend → Individual Seller Store-3
- Fix: Showing fatal error for user switching
- Feat: Vendor user switching (User Switching plugin support)
- Feat: Decimal and Thousand Separator with Comma
- Fix: Add system to refresh options for select fields in admin settings
- Fix: Admin settings input field type for common types of fields
- Fix: Shop name not showing on product listing quick edit section
- Fix: Order notes in vendor dashboard insert wrong author data
= v3.0.5 (June 11, 2020) =
- New: Exclude cash on delivery payments from vendor withdrawal balance (COD)
- Fix: Remove vendor folder from the excluded list
- Fix: Earning column missing on vendor dashboard order list
- Fix: Default location not working in vendor dashboard
- Fix: Remove link from customer name in vendor order details
- Fix: Custom header, footer template does not work in Dokan store page (Divi Theme)
= v3.0.4 (May 15, 2020) =
- Fix: Rename google plus to google as google plus is deprecated #807
- Fix: Unable to set store trams and condition settings through REST API #808
- Fix: Vendor order email does not have the TAX details #809
- Fix: Withdraw request email is not send to admin #810
- Fix: Typo in backend add and edit vendor page #811
- Fix: On updating commission type in backend vendor dashboard, translated commission type is getting saved into database #814
- Fix: Store listing filter does not work when its saved as frontpage #815
- Fix: When a product is purchased with a price of more than 8 digit the calculation is wrong #819
- Fix: Caching issue on vendor's order listing page #821
- Fix: Filter out empty seller ids when a product is deleted
function #827 - Fix: Deduct PayPal gateway fee from vendor's earning #830
- Feat: Hide vendor info if admin wants to #829
- Improvement: Pass vendor id in dokan_get_seller_active_withdraw_methods hook #813
- Fix: Clear caches on product update #804
- Fix: Vendor is not receiving email for new order #803
- Fix: Remove weForms promotion from admin setup wizard #798
- Fix: Unable to remove attributes in vendor product edit page #637
- Fix: Feature image is not saving on quick edit
- Fix: Vendor image issue #769
- Fix: Set vendor eamil on new vendor creation #787
- Fix: Return content from shotcode instead of being outputting #752
- Fix: Map still showing on vendor dashabord settings page even if there is no API key
- Fix: Product type not saving when quick edit #767
- Fix: Render withdraw methods dynamically in setup wizard #771
- Fix: Show vendor email to admin and actual vendor #773
- Fix: Product type error in dokan_save_product function
- Fix: Admin is unable to see the setup wizard on new dokan installation when WooCommerce is not installed #783
- Fix: Add missing add_meta_query method in dokan REST API #788
- Fix: Only render map if api key is availabe in store settings page #774
- Feat: Add dokan_get_all_cap_labels function #781
- Improvement: Added group description to exporters and updated privacy policy guide to drop use of deprecated classes #755
- Improvement: dokan_get_shipping_processing_times function #785
- Improvement: Add filter on withdraw export csv args #786
- Improvement: Get correct product thumbnail size in vendor product list page #795
- Fix: Fixed yoast seo causing conflict issue in single store page
- Fix: Permission issue fixed for shop manager
- Fix: Handle sales price error if its greater than regular price or empty
- Fix: Change placholder text for filter by customer to registered customer
- Fix: Add mapbox option in dokan admin setup wizard
- Fix: Pass order object into woocommerce_order_item_{type}_html hook
- Fix: Allow vendor to update store terms and condition with REST API #714
- Fix: If show_email is truned off don't show the eamil in REST API response #748
- Fix: Remove space while generating user_name via dokan_generate_username function #749
- Fix: If a product is deleted and no vendor is found for that product display (no name) in backend order listing page #746
- Improvement: Store listing filter styles so that it works with almost any theme
- Improvement: Show notice in dokan admin setup wizard if minimum PHP version is not met for WooCommerce
- Improvement: If dokan pro doesn't exist but commmision type is found in database, ignore that saved commission type #746
- Improvement: Code quality and performance
- Fix: Add option to set dokan store listing page for rendering all stores
- Feat: Grid and List view for store listing page #712
- Feat: Store sorting options in store listing page #712
- Feat: Add Mapbox as Google map alternative
- Feat: Add Enfold theme support
- Improvement: dokan_get_vendor_by_product function so that it reruns vendor for product variation #726
- Fix: Don't show the admin setup wizard who ran the setup wizard before
- Fix: Remove non-ascii characters from some file names
- Fix: Dokan dashboard hamburger menu is not working fixed
- Fix: Downloadable product grunt and revoke access issue is fixed
- Tweak: Added privacy policy info in setup wizard for admin
- Fix: Sanitize and Escape data before saving and rendering #717
- Improvement: Add privacy policy in readme.
- Feat: Run Dokan Admin Setup Wizard without being WooCommerce installed #708
- Improvement: Remove empty div from vendor payment settings page #695
- Improvement: Deleting a attribute from predefined attributes and add the attribute again mess up attributes #703
- Improvement: Add hooks in order details and admin setup wizard #715
- *Improvement: Pass post_type as a second parameter to the months_dropdown_results hook #710
- Feat: Add option to hide out of stock products in best selling widget #697.
- Improvement: Make dokan add vendor UI consistent to WordPress UI #696.
- Dev: Add dokan backend settings input required field validation.
- Improvement: Dokan_Commission::prepare_for_calculation() method.
- Fix: Assets URL localization was creating a problem in frontend vendor shipping area, this has been fixed.
- Improvement: Added a new filter
to override the product edit URL.
- Feat: Add REST API support for store contact form widget
- Feat: Add Vendor listing page in dokan backend
- Feat: Add vendor active inactive REST API
- Fix: Increase refund table data length to allow more refund items
- Fix: Withdraw threshold field disappears when commission type is selected in dokan settings
- Fix: Order listing page shows the same orders when object cache is enabled
- Fix: Best selling widgets warning in store sidebar
- Fix: Save store name in vendor's user_meta so that store search form widget works correctly
- Fix: If percent commission rate is not set while using combine commission calculation is not correct
- Dev: Add filter to modify current page id in dokan_is_seller_dashboard function
- Localization: Store open and close notice placeholder strings remains untranslated
- fix: Remove duplicate inpute filed in dokan admin settings form
- fix: Make commissison value to 0 if no product found
- fix: Attribute value's are swapped after changing the order of the attributes
- fix: If state is not found for a country in store settings, remove the state field on reload
- fix: Only show vendor's own uploaded media to a vendor.
- fix: Add required attribute for various input field in dokan_post_input_box function.
- fix: Calculate commission for item by quantity when the commission is set to flat.
- Tweak: Introduce Dokan_Commission class to calculate admin and vendor's commission.
- Tweak: Remove unnecessary placeholder in admin commission field.
- Fix: Geolocation map settings value is not saving
- Fix: Fix warning in vendor dashboard widget when seller setup wizard is not run
- Fix: Store banner height in vendor settings page it not honouring the saved settings
- Fix: Conflict with avada theme fution builder
- Tweak: Use WordPress backend date format while printing date in approved and cancelled withdraw request
- Fix: Split orders created from admin dashboard
- Fix: Add on backorder in product stock management
- Fix: Dokan dashboard menu returning 404 with the latest version of visual composer plugin
- Tweak: Dokan admin settings rearrange
- Tweak: Add compatibility with ultimate member plugin
- Tweak: Add few hooks in product listing template
- Feat: Add google map type option field component
- Feat: Add dokan_array_after helper function
- Fix: Admin settings default value for multicheck field
- Tweek: Remove unnecessary code and add hook after creating parent order
- Tweek: Refactor dokan_get_vendor_by_product function and explicit error checking while using it
- Fix: Remove unwanted code to fix conflict with yith plugin
- Tweak: Dokan theme support and responsive menu
- Fix: Hide hidden and out of stock products in vendor store page
- Fix: A non-numeric value encountered warning in vendor product listing page, if product price is not given
- Fix: Add failed order in vendor order listing page
- Fix: Creating product from admin backend returns 2 instance of the product author
- Tweak: Ensure dokan_get_seller_id_by_order filter is always taking effect
- Tweak: Make dokan vendor dashboard responsive
- Tweak: Show admin notice stating WooCommerce is required if not found on dokan installation
- Tweak: Add hook after creating and updating object via dokan REST API
- Tweak: Add dokan_ensure_vendor_coupon filter while ensuring vendor coupon restriction
- Tweak: Add updater class to fix banner issue where store settings and listing template was overridden
- Tweak: Add filter hook while fetching vendor products
- Tweak: Add define method to define plugin constants
- Fix: Vendor banner is not showing in the backend edit user profile page
- Fix: Add filter to allow or skip nonce checking while registering new user
- Tweak: Update appsero SDK
- Fix: Schedule product price not showing correctly
- Fix: Backward compatibility for banner and store time
For the changelog history, view the full changelog.txt.
Important Update This update changes code structures for improving performance. Make sure to take backup and read the changlogs first before upgrade process.