Simple Custom Web based employee management system Built in Perl Dancer2 with REST api
to start
requires "Dancer2" => "0.208000";
recommends "YAML" => "0";
recommends "URL::Encode::XS" => "0";
recommends "CGI::Deurl::XS" => "0";
recommends "HTTP::Parser::XS" => "0";
on "test" => sub {
requires "Test::More" => "0";
requires "HTTP::Request::Common" => "0";
# File::FindLib;
# SQL::Abstract
# DateTime::Format::Flexible
# Template::Plugin::JSON
# Dancer2::Logger::File
to start edit and add Postgres connection
# The database DSN for postgres ==> more: "perldoc DBD::Pg"
$self->{database_dsn} = "DBI:Pg:database=$self->{database_name}";
use commnad to start
perl bin/
Api path := /api/v1