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Okapi Components for WorldServer

This repository contains custom WorldServer components developed using the WorldServer SDK (WSSDK), based on filters and other components available as part of the open source Okapi Framework.

Currently, this repository contains:

  • Filters, including
    • IDML
    • JSON
    • OpenXML (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Visio)
    • po/pot (gettext)
    • XLIFF
    • YAML
  • MT Adapters, including
    • Google MT (v2 API)
    • Google AutoML Translation Service Adapter
    • Google Cloud Translation (v3 API); This supports glossaries and AutoML generated language models.
    • Microsoft Translator Hub
  • Automatic Actions, including
    • An automatic action to improve MT quality of HTML and XML content, when used with the Microsoft Translator Hub
    • An automic action to import target segment data from source XLIFF files, for use when processing bilingual XLIFF as a source format
  • Common code, including
    • Classes for generating table-based config UIs
    • Classes to simplify working with WSAttribute values

The code also includes a common framework for developing WorldServer filters that adhere to the Okapi IFilter interface, making it easy to add additional components. Our intention is that over time, the set of available components will grow to fill gaps in the WorldServer filter and MT Adapter using open source code from Okapi.

Note: Google Cloud Translation (v3 API) is a native implementation and does not use an Okapi MT connector.

Using the Code

Using the WorldServer SDK with Maven

The project builds with maven. However, the code has a compile-time dependency on the wssdk-server.jar which SDL includes as part of its WorldServer SDK distribution. This file is not normally accessible to Maven, so you must install it in a local repository to use it.

The project pom.xml references the dependency via invented artifact and group IDs:

  • Artifact ID: com.idiominc.wssdk
  • Group ID: wssdk-server
  • Version: We use the WS Build version, which for us is currently

To install your copy of wssdk-server.jar to your local maven repository, you can run this command from within your WSSDK distribution:

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.idiominc.wssdk \
             -DartifactId=wssdk-server \
             -Dversion= \
             -Dpackaging=jar \

You can also use mvn deploy:deploy-file to deploy to a shared repository for convenience.

WSSDK Compatibility and Java Versions

This code was developed and tested against the WSSDK 11.4 SDK, however it should be expected to work on most 11.x versions of WorldServer, due to the stability of the WSSDK.
You will need to update the ws.version property in the root pom.xml to match the version you are compiling against.

All Okapi releases since M36 require Java 8 or later, so these components must be deployed to a WorldServer instance running Java 8 or later.


Run mvn install from the root directory to build all components.

If you are using an IDE, you should still build once from the command line in order to generate the file that is referenced from various places in the code.


Components can be deployed individually or in bundles. All components are deployed as JARs via the Management > Administration > Customization screen in WorldServer. (WSSDK components are usually deployed as zip files, but WorldServer doesn't care about the extension; a JAR file works fine, as long as it contains a desc.xml file, as these do.)

To deploy an individual components, upload any of:

  • filters/idml/target/okapi-ws-filters-idml-release-deployable.jar
  • filters/json/target/okapi-ws-filters-json-release-deployable.jar
  • filters/openxml/target/okapi-ws-filters-openxml-release-deployable.jar
  • filters/po/target/okapi-ws-filters-po-release-deployable.jar
  • filters/xliff/target/okapi-ws-filters-xliff-release-deployable.jar
  • filters/yaml/target/okapi-ws-filters-yaml-release-deployable.jar
  • mt/google/target/okapi-ws-mt-google-release-deployable.jar
  • mt/googleautoml/target/okapi-ws-mt-googleautoml-release-deployable.jar
  • mt/googlev3/target/okapi-ws-mt-google-v3-release-deployable.jar
  • mt/mshub/target/okapi-ws-mt-mshub-release-deployable.jar
  • autoactions/mshub/target/okapi-ws-autoactions-mshub-release-deployable.jar
  • autoactions/xliff/target/okapi-ws-autoactions-xliff-release-deployable.jar

To deploy all filters at once, upload:

  • filters/bundle/target/okapi-ws-filters-bundle-release.jar

To deploy all components (all filters + MT Adapters + AAs), upload:

  • bundle/target/okapi-ws-components-bundle-release.jar

These jars include all dependencies, including the necessary Okapi components.


Currently, the filter configurations are hard-coded internally to sensible defaults, with some options exposed through the WorldServer UI. Over time, we would like to improve this to expose the full configurability of the Okapi filters to WorldServer users.

Some MT Adapters offer no real configuration beyond the credentials to use. These are exposed through the the normal WorldServer MT Adapter configuration interface.


This project is a joint collaboration between Spartan Software, Inc. and Tableau Software. Additional support has been provided by VMware, Veritas, Vistatec, Intuit, and ebay.


All code is licensed under the MIT License.


Contributions from the community are welcome. Issues and pull requests should be opened through GitHub. Discussion can be directed to one of the two Okapi discussion lists:

Additional documentation can be found on the wiki.

Questions or comments can also be sent to