Testing and learning Azure functions
Best practices for reliable Azure Functions
One of the key features of Azure Functions is its integration with other Azure services, such as Azure Storage. When creating an Azure Functions App, a dedicated storage account is also created, the Functions App relies on the storage for various operations such as trigger management and logging.
When creating a new functions here are the options:
- Azure Blob Storage trigger
- Azure Cosmos DB trigger
- Durable Functions activity
- Durable Functions entity
- Durable Functions HTTP starter
- Durable Functions orchestrator
- Azure Event Grid trigger
- Azure Event Hub trigger
- HTTP trigger
- Kafka output
- Kafka trigger
- Azure Queue Storage trigger
- RabbitMQ trigger
- Azure Service Bus Queue trigger
- Azure Service Bus Topic trigger
- Timer trigger
MS Learn:
- Sample: Load data from SQL using Python and Azure Functions
- Getting the list of Resource Groups using Azure Functions
- Data Cleaning Pipeline
- etc https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/browse/?products=azure-functions&languages=python
- API for data, https://developers.firi.com
- Create an rg and add an azure function
- Function name must be the same as the function you will create.
- Select linux, Python, code consumption (serverless) and create a storage account
- Application insight will be enable later
- Deployment disable, git will be enabled later, now we just push with ps1
- Queue: st_queue.py
- Identity, set the function app identity to be system assigned
- On the storage account IAM, add role assignment function app identity to Storage Queue Data Contributor (Allows for read, write, and delete access to Azure Storage queues and queue messages)
- pip install azure-storage-queue
- pip install azure-identity
- Put all imports or libs in requirements.txt
update 19.03.2024 for table
add a secret in a key vault and retrive the secret for later use for the table connection.
Table: st_table.py
- Identity, set the function app identity to be system assigned
- On the storage account IAM, add role assignment function app identity to Storage Table Data Contributor (Allows for read, write, and delete access to Azure Storage tables and table messages)
Note! Use correct security with auth-level, this is just an example.
-authlevel Lets you set the authorization level for an HTTP trigger. Supported values are:
- function
- anonymous
- admin.
Example e-lo https://github.com/spawnmarvel/azure-automation/tree/main/azure-5-functions
- Shared Key
- Connection String
- Shared Access Signature Token
- Managed identity
# A git repos was create first
# Thegit repos was cloned in azure-functions
cd c:\giti2023\azure-functions
# Run the func init command as follows to create a functions project
func init CoinWorker
Use the up/down arrow keys to select a worker runtime:python
Found Python version 3.10.7 (py).
cd coinWorker
# Create a function
func new
Use the up/down arrow keys to select a template:
Azure Blob Storage trigger
Azure Cosmos DB trigger
Durable Functions activity
Durable Functions entity
Durable Functions HTTP starter
Durable Functions orchestrator
Azure Event Grid trigger
Azure Event Hub trigger
HTTP trigger
Kafka output
Kafka trigger
Azure Queue Storage trigger
RabbitMQ trigger
Azure Service Bus Queue trigger
Azure Service Bus Topic trigger
Timer trigger
# Create function oneliner
func new --name GetCoinStatus --template "HTTP trigger" --authlevel "anonymous"
# Start the function locally
func start
# Visit URL
This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response.
# Publish is
az login --tenant
# still in \CoinWorker>
func azure functionapp publish GetCoinStatus
func azure functionapp publish GetCoinStatus --python
# Can't determine project language from files. Please use one of [--csharp, --javascript, --typescript, --java, --python, --powershell, --custom]
# Your Azure Function App has 'FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME' set to 'python' while your local project is set to 'None'.
Deployment successful. deployer = Push-Deployer deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build.
Remote build succeeded!
Syncing triggers...
# Now visit URL
# append /api/function name
This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response.
- Put all imports or libs in requirements.txt
- Add the code inside function name folder, worker.py, st_queue.py
- Test it, you might need to az login if much dependencies
- Publish it
# _init_.py
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')
workerInstance = Worker()
# [...]
li = [sol_status, dot_status, xrp_status, ada_status, coinmarket, length_of_queue]
return func.HttpResponse(str(li), mimetype="text/json")
# st_queue.py
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.storage.queue import QueueServiceClient, QueueClient, QueueMessage
# requirements.txt
# Do not include azure-functions-worker in this file
# The Python Worker is managed by the Azure Functions platform
# Manually managing azure-functions-worker may cause unexpected issues
# extra
In the function app you can log the stream and view the running result
- Use logging.level as normal in the code
- Create a log analytics workspace
- On the function app go to Diagnostic settings, enable it.
- Enable Function Application Logs to destination select the loganalytics workspace
Set up https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-monitor-log-analytics?tabs=python
General https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/logs/log-analytics-overview
Visuals at https://follow-e-lo.com/2023/12/12/azure-function-python/
- The take operator is perfect for this task, because it returns a specific number of arbitrary rows.
- You’ll use the project operator to define which columns you want to see in the output and also to define new columns on the fly on the tabular.
| project TimeGenerated, HostInstanceId, Message
| where Message == "SOLNOK:"
| take 2
- Create a logic app, consumption plan
- Http trigger to run the request
- Create mail alert on log statment
Comparing Azure Cosmos DB for Table and Azure Table Storage
Azure Cosmos DB for Table uses a reserved capacity model in order to ensure guaranteed performance but this means that one pays for the capacity as soon as the table is created, even if the capacity isn't being used. With Azure Table storage one only pays for capacity that's used.
Select a candidate
Cosmos DB is a superset of the Azure Table Storage functionality.
Appropriate Use for Table Storage
update 19.03.2024 for table
add a secret in a key vault and retrive the secret for later use for the table connection.
Create a key vault allow public so we can test the code.
When that works we can secure it with a private link.
azure-keyvault for requiremenets.py
Azure role-based access control (recommended) in key vault, add role Key Vault Secrets User for function app
publish the app and verify in function app Log Stream
2024-03-19T15:35:28Z [Information] Azure Key vault get success
2024-03-19T15:35:28Z [Information] Azure Table storage, trying to connect to table
2024-03-19T15:35:28Z [Information] Azure Table storage, connection success
2024-03-19T15:46:56Z [Information] []
2024-03-19T15:46:56Z [Information] Listing Azure Table storage
2024-03-19T15:46:56Z [Information] SOLNOK:
Clients Two different clients are provided to interact with the various components of the Table Service:
TableServiceClient -
- Get and set account setting
- Query, create, and delete tables within the account.
- Get a TableClient to access a specific table using the get_table_client method.
TableClient -
- Interacts with a specific table (which need not exist yet).
- Create, delete, query, and upsert entities within the specified table.
- Create or delete the specified table itself.
Iterate over tables
2024-03-19T16:19:54Z [Information] Azure Table storage, trying to create table
2024-03-19T16:19:54Z [Information] Response status: 200
2024-03-19T16:29:29Z [Information] cointable
2024-03-19T16:29:29Z [Information] cointable01
2024-03-19T16:29:29Z [Information] cointable01 already exists
2024-03-19T16:29:29Z [Information] SOLNOK:
2024-03-19T16:29:29Z [Information] {'Api version': '2.0', 'Status Code'
Insert entity
2024-03-19T17:00:56Z [Information] Trying to insert to table
2024-03-19T17:00:56Z [Information] Success insert to table
- Create a key vault
- Test it with ps1
- Create a private link
- Test it with ps1
Update st_key_vault.py