Simple demo that shows how to configure DataWedge thru intents. It gets all the configuration parameters using DW APIs and allows the user to modify them at runtime.
Zebra Techdocs Documentation:
fun getProfileConfiguration(profileName : String){
val profileBundle = Bundle()
profileBundle.putString("PROFILE_NAME", profileName)
val pluginName: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList()
//...and more
val bConfig = Bundle()
bConfig.putStringArrayList("PLUGIN_NAME", pluginName)
profileBundle.putBundle("PLUGIN_CONFIG", bConfig)
// Send intent
val dwIntent = Intent()
dwIntent.action = "com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION"
dwIntent.putExtra("com.symbol.datawedge.api.GET_CONFIG", profileBundle)
val pluginList = ArrayList<DWPlugin>()
val resultGetConfig = intent.getBundleExtra("com.symbol.datawedge.api.RESULT_GET_CONFIG")
val resultConfigKeys = resultGetConfig!!.keySet()
for (resultKey in resultConfigKeys) {
if (resultKey.equals("PLUGIN_CONFIG")) {
val bundleArrayList = resultGetConfig.getParcelableArrayList<Bundle>("PLUGIN_CONFIG")
var plugin = DWPlugin()
for (configBundle in bundleArrayList!!) {
if(configBundle.getString("PLUGIN_NAME") != null) {
plugin.pluginName = configBundle.getString("PLUGIN_NAME")!!
for (configBundleParam in configBundle.keySet()) {
if (configBundleParam.equals("PARAM_LIST")) {
val paramList = configBundle.getBundle("PARAM_LIST")
if (paramList != null) {
for (paramKey in paramList.keySet()) {
plugin.addParam(paramKey, paramList.getString(paramKey))
plugin = DWPlugin()
var profileName : String = name
var profileEnabled : Boolean = true
var configMode : String = ""
var pluginConfig : DWPlugin = DWPlugin()
private var _associatedApps : MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
private var updateApps : Boolean = false
fun buildProfile() : Bundle {
val profileBundle = Bundle()
profileBundle.putString("PROFILE_NAME", profileName)
profileBundle.putString("PROFILE_ENABLED", if(profileEnabled) "true" else "false")
profileBundle.putString("CONFIG_MODE", configMode)
if(updateApps) {
val appBundle = Bundle()
for (app in _associatedApps)
appBundle.putString("PACKAGE_NAME", app)
appBundle.putStringArray("ACTIVITY_LIST", arrayOf("*"))
profileBundle.putParcelableArray("APP_LIST", arrayOf(appBundle))
updateApps = false
if(pluginConfig.pluginName != "") {
val pluginBundle = pluginConfig.buildPluginBundle(); // Build plugin
profileBundle.putBundle("PLUGIN_CONFIG", pluginBundle)
return profileBundle
var pluginName : String = ""
var resetConfig : Boolean = false
private var _paramList : HashMap<String, DWParamValue> = HashMap()
internal fun buildPluginBundle() : Bundle {
// Create plugin
val pluginBundle = Bundle()
pluginBundle.putString("PLUGIN_NAME", pluginName)
pluginBundle.putString("RESET_CONFIG", if(resetConfig) "true" else "false")
// Add properties
val paramsBundle = Bundle()
for(param in _paramList.filter { x -> x.value.changed }){
paramsBundle.putString(param.key, param.value.value)
param.value.changed = false
pluginBundle.putBundle("PARAM_LIST", paramsBundle)
return pluginBundle