A Gem to create xliff files from translated strings. Implementing version 1.2 of XLIFF specification: Xliff-Specification
This is still an early implementation.
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'xliffle'
xliffle = Xliffle.new
=> #<Xliffle::Creator:0x007fea48d31690 @files=[]>
xliffle.file(filename, source_locale_code, target_locale_code)
file = xliffle.file('de.po', 'de', 'en')
=> #<Xliffle::File...>
file.string(name, source_string, target_string, options={})
string = file.string('admin.foo_bar','Foo', 'Bar')
# => #<Xliffle::String...>
The options-hash may take the following optional attributes
- resource_name
second_string = file.string('user.bar_foo','Bar', 'Foo', resource_name: 'foo.bar.header')
# => #<Xliffle::String...>
- use_cdata
If set wraps the content of the tag into a CDATA section
second_string = file.string('user.bar_foo','Bar', 'Foo', use_cdata: true)
# => #<Xliffle::String...>
Xliffle supports Xliff localization notes (as structural elements).
string.note(note, options = {})
- :priority - Sets the priority of the note (default: 2)
string.note('This is localization comment', prioirity: 2)
#=> #<Xliffle::Note...>
Returns xliff-file
# => #<Tempfile...>
Exports XML-markup to a string
=> "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<xliff version=\"1.2\" xmlns=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2\">\n <file original=\"de.po\" datatype=\"plaintext\" source-language=\"de\" target-language=\"en\">\n <body>\n <trans-unit id=\"admin.foo_bar\">\n <source>Foo</source>\n <target>Bar</target>\n <note priority=\"2\">This is localization comment</note>\n </trans-unit>\n <trans-unit id=\"user.bar_foo\" resname=\"foo.bar.header\">\n <source>Bar</source>\n <target>Foo</target>\n </trans-unit>\n </body>\n </file>\n</xliff>\n"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file original="de.po" datatype="plaintext" source-language="de" target-language="en">
<trans-unit id="admin.foo_bar">
<note priority="2">This is localization comment</note>
<trans-unit id="user.bar_foo" resname="foo.bar.header">
- Stefan Rohde (@Stefan_Rohde, http://www.rohdenetz.de, info@rohdenetz.de)
- Toptranslation GmbH, Hamburg - my work, my team, my beloved hobby - @toptranslation, https://www.toptranslation.com
MIT License. Copyright Stefan Rohde