BED files
- This file contains all 5,030 challenging medically relevant gene (CMRG) regionsFixItFelix.collapsed.sorted.bed
- This contains the regions that are impacted due to collapsed errors in the GRCh38 referenceFixItFelix.duplicated.sorted.bed
- This contains the regions that are impacted due to duplicated errors in the GRCh38 referenceFixItFelix_12_CMRG.sorted.bed
- This file contains the CMRG regions that are impacted due to either collapsed or duplicated errors
Counting basepairs
- This script counts the total impacted basepairs of all variants at the sample level. It can be run with Tuvari-4.1-dev (
- Sample output file of the
- script for merging STR, SV and VCF files at sample level (check thedragen_sv_merge_notes
file for additional information)
STR benchmarking
- This document contains the detailed description of STR benchmarking
- script used in the STR
- script used to convert DRAGEN STR vcf to truvari recognizable format