PGF is a protoc plugin used to generate fuzzing functions suitable for use with gofuzz.
Get it using go get
For a protobuf definition like this,
syntax = "proto3";
package pb;
option go_package = ";pb";
message SomeMessage {
string string_field = 1;
int32 int32_field = 2;
bool bool_field = 3;
InnerMessage inner_message = 4;
oneof some_oneof {
string oneof_string = 5;
bool oneof_bool = 6;
repeated string slice_string = 7;
repeated InnerMessage slice_message = 8;
message InnerMessage { string inner_field = 1; }
Fuzz functions can be generated using
protoc -I . --fuzz_out=:. example/example.proto
and can be used in testing as follow,
package pb_test
import (
fuzz ""
pb ""
pbfuzz ""
func TestFuzz(t *testing.T) {
fz := fuzz.New().Funcs(pbfuzz.FuzzFuncs()...)
var msg pb.SomeMessage
// Test using random msg