Welcome to the StackRox contributions repository. This repository stores a variety of configuration files, scripts, and samples related to the deployment and use of the StackRox Kubernetes security platform and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security.
All code in this repo is provided as-is without warranty or support from Red Hat.
Join the #stackrox channel on CNCF Slack for community discussion and support.
We'd love your feedback! Please take care with any of the configurations in this repo before applying using these in your environment.
samples for using StackRox roxctl command-line tool in CI/CD pipelinesingress/
configurations for StackRox under popular Kubernetes ingress controllerscompletions/
shell auto-completions for roxctlutil-scripts/
scripts using Stackrox API or roxctl for popular tasks (export to csv,...)guides/
instructions on how to configure ACS or integrate it with 3rd party services