- Title: GCP GKE Terraform on Google Kubernetes Engine DevOps SRE IaC - 40 Real-World Demos
- Sub Title: Master Terraform on GCP GKE: 40 Real-World Demos to become a DevOps SRE and IaC Expert
- Demo-01: Install CLI Tools: gcloud CLI, Terraform CLI, VSCode Editor
- Demo-02: Terraform Commands (init, validate, plan, apply and destroy)
- Demo-03: Terraform Language Basics
- Demo-04: Terraform Meta-Argument - Provider (Multiple Providers Demo)
- Demo-05: Terraform Input Variables and Output Values
- Demo-06: Terraform Meta-argument: count
- Demo-07: Terraform Datasources
- Demo-08: Terraform Meta-argument: for_each
- Demo-09: GKE Public Standard Cluster
- Demo-10: Kubernetes Resources using YAML Manifests
- Demo-11: Kubernetes Resources using Terraform Manifests
- Demo-12: GKE Private Standard cluster with Cluster Autoscaler
- Demo-13: GKE Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
- Demo-14: GKE Vertical Pod Autoscaling
- Demo-15: GKE Private Standard Cluster with Private Endpoint
- Demo-16: GKE Private Autopilot cluster
- Demo-17: GKE Storage: Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver
- Demo-18: GKE Storage: Cloud SQL MySQL Database
- Demo-19: GKE Storage: Cloud Storage with FUSE CSI Driver
- Demo-20: GKE Storage: Filestore CSI Driver
- Demo-21: GKE Gateway API (GCP Regional Application Load Balancer)
- Demo-21-01: GKE Gateway API Basics (Gateway and HTTPRoute)
- Demo-21-02: GKE Gateway API Static IP (GCP External IP Address)
- Demo-21-03: GKE Gateway API self-signed SSL (Kubernetes Secrets)
- Demo-21-04: GKE Gateway API self-signed SSL (GCP Certificate Manager)
- Demo-21-05: GKE Gateway API HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
- Demo-21-06: GKE Gateway API Context path-based Routing
- Demo-21-07: GKE Gateway API Domain name Routing
- Demo-21-08: GKE Gateway API Traffic Splitting
- Demo-21-09: GKE Gateway API Health check and Session Affinity (GKE custom policies)
- Demo-21-10: Cloud Domains and Cloud DNS
- Demo-21-11: GKE Gateway API Production grade SSL (GCP Certificate Manager + Cloud DNS + Cloud Domains)
- Demo-21-12: GKE Gateway API Production grade SSL (GCP Certificate Manager + Cloud DNS + AWS Route53)
- Demo-21-13: GKE Gateway API Global LB (GCP Global Application Load Balancer)
- Demo-22: Use Pre-built Terraform Modules from Terraform Registry
- Demo-23: GKE Infra: Create custom GKE Terraform Module
- Demo-24: GKE Infra DevOps using GitHub and GCP Cloud Build
- Demo-25: GKE Workloads: Create custom Kubernetes Deployment Terraform Module
- Demo-26: GKE Workload DevOps using GitHub and GCP Cloud Build
- Demo-27: GKE App: Implement Continuous Integration with GitHub, Cloud Build and GCP Artifact Registry
- Demo-28: GKE App: Implement Continuous Delivery using GitHub and Cloud Build
- Terraform Commands
- Terraform Providers
- Terraform Settings Block
- Terraform Resources
- Terraform Local Backends
- Terraform Remote Backends
- Terraform Input Variables
- Terraform Output Values
- Terraform Local Values
- Terraform Remote State Datasource
- Terraform Template Functions
- Terraform Meta-argument Provider
- Terraform Meta-argument count
- Terraform Meta-argument for_each
- Terraform Datasources
- Terraform Public Modules
- Terraform Custom Modules Development
- Terraform Functions
- Google Compute Engine VM Instances
- Google Compute Engine Health Checks
- Google Compute Engine Persistent Disks
- Google Cloud VPC
- Google Cloud Firewalls
- Google Cloud Storage
- Google Cloud Monitoring
- Google Cloud Logging
- Google Cloud Load Balancing
- Google Cloud IAM
- Google Cloud Domains
- Google Cloud DNS
- Google Cloud NAT
- Google Cloud Router
- Google Cloud External IP
- Google Cloud Build
- Google Cloud Certificate Manager
- Google VPC Private Service Connection
- Google Kubernetes Engine
- GCP Secrets Manager
- GCP Cloud Storage Buckets
- Google Kubernetes Engine - Standard Public Cluster
- Google Kubernetes Engine - Standard Private Cluster
- Google Kubernetes Engine - Autopilot Cluster
- Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler
- Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
- Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaling
- Kubernetes Deployments
- Kubernetes Load Balancer Service
- Kubernetes Storage - Storage Classes
- Kubernetes Storage - Persistent Volumes
- Kubernetes Storage - Persistent Volume Claims
- Kubernetes Secrets
- Kubernetes Gateway API (Load Balancers - 13 Important Demos )
- You will learn Terraform basics with first 8 practical demos
- You will learn to automate GKE standard public cluster with terraform
- You will learn to automate GKE standard private clsuter with cluster autoscaler
- You will learn to automate GKE standard private cluster with private endpoint
- You will learn to implemnent autoscaling features like cluster autoscaler, horiztontal and vertical pod autoscaling
- You will learn to automate GKE autopilot private clsuter with terraform
- You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver
- You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Cloud Storage FUSE CSI Driver
- You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Filestore CSI Driver
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Static IP with GCP External IP Address
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Self-signed SSL certs with Kubernetes Secrets
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Self-signed SSL certs with GCP Certificate Manager
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Context Path-based Routing
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Domain name based Routing
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Traffic Splitting
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Health checks and Session Affinity
- You will learn to master services like GCP Cloud Domains and Cloud DNS
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Production grade SSL with Cloud DNS and Cloud Domains
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Production grade SSL with Cloud DNS and AWS Route53
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: GCP Global Application Load Balancer
- You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: GCP Regional Application Load Balancer
- You will learn to use pre-built Terraform modules from Terraform Registry
- You will build GKE Cluster custom terraform module
- You will implement GKE Infra devops where we can create multiple GKE environments dev, production using Cloud Build Triggers (Pipelines)
- You will build Kubernetes Deployment custom terraform module
- You will implement continuous integration for a sample application using GitHub, Cloud Build and GCP Artifact Registry
- You will implement GKE Workload devops where we can deploy our dev applications to Dev GKE cluster and prod applications to prod GKE cluster using GitHub and Cloud Build (Pipelines)
- You need to have basic knowledge of Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes concepts
- To create Google Cloud Account, you need a debit or credit card
- You don't need any prior knowledge of Terraform. We will start from the very basics of Terraform. The first 8 demos will focus on Terraform fundamentals.
- This course is designed for students who are planning to automate Google Kubernetes Engine Infrastructure using Terraform
- Students who planning to learn Terraform on Google Cloud Platform and Google Kubernetes Engine
- Students who are planning to master DevOps, SRE (Site Reliability Engineerig) and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) concepts using Terraform, Google Cloud and Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Build and GitHub
- terraform-on-google-kubernetes-engine
- terraform-gcp-gke-infra-devops
- terraform-gcp-gke-k8s-devops
- terraform-gcp-gke-app-devops
- Course Presentation
- Important Note: Please go to these repositories and FORK these repositories and make use of them during the course.
- Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences
- Practical demos for each and every concept
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