I will be sharing some of my Ansible roles and playbooks here going forward. Projects - What I use for deployments using vm_provisioning scripts and playbooks. These projects use the roles folder for installs. roles - individual specific role based playbooks vm_provisioning - scripts and playbooks for provisioning vms on vSphere via Ansible
You need to generate and copy a SSH public key to place in roles/bootstrap/files to upload to your servers. Generate SSH key using 'ssh-keygen' and copy and rename id_rsa.pub to roles/bootstrap/files
I have included a template folder within Projects. This can be used to start building out environments using Ansible roles and such. Make the following changes within the playbooks folder for your project. playbooks/provision.yml
vars: vcenter_hostname: 'vcsa.everythingshouldbevirtual.local' vcenter_user: 'ansible@everythingshouldbevirtual.local' datacenter: 'everythingshouldbevirtual' esxi_host: 'esxi01.everythingshouldbevirtual.local' notes: 'Created by Ansible' vm_state: 'present' vm_task_action: 'none' # none|create|create_from_template|reconfigure cluster: 'HA-DRS-CLUSTER' resource_pool: '/Resources'