Clojure language bindings to use to develop apps with the Stardog Graph / RDF Database.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
To use stardog-clj, follow these simple steps:
- Install Stardog. See Getting Stardog for details.
- In your application, add the stardog-clj dependency to your project.clj file, or equivalent build tool. For example,
[stardog-clj "9.0.0"]
- In your application, create a database specification
(create-db-spec database "http://localhost:5820/" "admin" "admin" true)
- You can use this specification to make a connection pool with
(make-datasource spec)
- Use
(with-connection-pool [conn datasource])
to start using the connection pool
Out of the box, Stardog provides a Java API, SNARL, for communicating with the Stardog database. SNARL is a connection oriented API, with both a connection and connection pool available, similar to JDBC. Queries can be made using the SPARQL query language, or by using various SNARL APIs for navigating the structure of the data. Stardog-clj provides APIs to do all of these functions using idiomatic clojure style of programming. The API builds upon itself, being able to wrap usage with connection pools, create connections directly, etc.
All Stardog queries are executed given a connection, a query string, and an optional map of parameters. The connection can be created using the connnect
function, or with the with-connection-pool
macro. Connection configuration is a simple map, and there is a helper function for creating database specs, using the make-datasource
=> (use 'stardog.core)
=> (def c (connect {:db "my-database" :server "snarl://localhost"}))
=> (def results (query c "select ?n { .... }"))
=> (take 5 results)
({:n #<StardogURI>} {:n #<StardogURI>} {:n #<StardogURI>} {:n #<StardogURI>} {:n #<StardogURI>})
=> (def string-results (query c "select ?n { .... }" {:converter str}))
=> (take 5 string-results)
({:n ""} {:n ""} {:n ""} {:n ""} {:n ""})
Stardog-clj includes easy to use functions for adding triples or removing triples from the Stardog database. The shape of the data used in the API is a vector of three elements, confirming to the subject, predicate, object "triple", also known as an entity attribute value model.
(with-open [c (connect {:db "my-database" :server "snarl://localhost"})]
(with-transaction [c]
(insert! c ["urn:a:subject" "urn:a:predicate" "an object"])
There are wrappers for:
for the SPARQL SELECT queryupdate!
for the SPARQL 1.1 UPDATE queriesask
for running SPARQL ASK queriesgraph
for running SPARQL CONSTRUCT queriesinsert!
for the SNARL adder and remover to add or remove RDF statementsconnect
for connection handling, including connection pools- namespace manipulation, for adding and removing server mananaged namespace prefixes
Most query options are available for configuring as keys in the parameter map. When requesting reasoners, use strings or keywords.
Results from SPARQL queries are lazy sequences of bindings from variable names to values. By default, variable names are converted to keywords, and values are left untouched. This can be changed by providing functions for the :key-converter and :converter parameters.
Graph results are the same as query results, with namespaces attached as metadata on the entire sequence (not on sub-sequences).
There is a macro for dealing with transactions, where you can directly use the connection to perform bulk add operations, such as below, or for putting multiple insert!
and remove!
calls into a single transaction.
(with-open [c (connect {:db "my-database" :server "snarl://localhost"})]
(with-transaction [c]
(.. c
(format RDFFormat/N3)
(stream (input-stream "data.n3")))))
Note: the usual with-open
macro closes a connection, which is not recommended for using the Stardog connection pool. In lieu of with-open, there is a with-connection-pool
macro available, that provides appropriate connection pool resource handling.
To build stardog-clj, you must perform the following steps:
- Install Stardog. See Getting Stardog for details.
- Run
[Stardog install dir]/bin/stardog-admin server start
- Run
[Stardog install dir]/bin/stardog-admin db create -n testdb [path/to/data/]University0_0.owl [path/to/data/]lubmSchema.owl
- Run
lein compile
to build the library.
You can run a REPL by running lein repl
You can run the tests by running lein midje
The test suite does run with the assumption there is a Stardog database server running.
Copyright 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Stardog Union
Copyright 2014 Paula Gearon
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.