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Return a typed array constructor for creating typed arrays having a specified byte order.


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Return a typed array constructor for creating typed arrays having a specified byte order.

In contrast to built-in typed array constructors which store values according to the host platform byte order, the typed array constructors returned by the factory function allow enforcing a specific byte order. Such enforcement can be particularly advantageous when working with memory buffers which do not necessarily follow host platform byte order, such as WebAssembly memory.


npm install @stdlib/array-fixed-endian-factory


  • To load the package in a website via a script tag without installation and bundlers, use the ES Module available on the esm branch (see README).
  • If you are using Deno, visit the deno branch (see README for usage intructions).
  • For use in Observable, or in browser/node environments, use the Universal Module Definition (UMD) build available on the umd branch (see README).

The file summarizes the available branches and displays a diagram illustrating their relationships.

To view installation and usage instructions specific to each branch build, be sure to explicitly navigate to the respective README files on each branch, as linked to above.


var fixedEndianFactory = require( '@stdlib/array-fixed-endian-factory' );

fixedEndianFactory( dtype )

Returns a typed array constructor for creating typed arrays having a specified data type and byte order.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );
// returns <Function>

var Float32ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float32' );
// returns <Function>

Typed Array Constructor

TypedArrayFE( endianness )

A typed array constructor which returns a typed array representing values stored in a specified byte order.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian' );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

TypedArrayFE( endianness, length )

Returns a typed array having a specified length and byte order.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 5 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

TypedArrayFE( endianness, typedarray )

Creates a typed array from another typed array.

var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array-float32' );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr1 = new Float32Array( [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ] );
var arr2 = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', arr1 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr2.get( 0 );
// returns 0.5

TypedArrayFE( endianness, obj )

Creates a typed array from an array-like object or iterable.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 0.5

TypedArrayFE( endianness, buffer[, byteOffset[, length]] )

Returns a typed array view of an ArrayBuffer.

var ArrayBuffer = require( '@stdlib/array-buffer' );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var buf = new ArrayBuffer( 32 );
var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', buf, 0, 4 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

Typed Array Properties


Number of bytes per view element.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var nbytes = Float64ArrayFE.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// returns 8

Typed array constructor name.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var str =;
// returns 'Float64ArrayFE'


Read-only property which returns the ArrayBuffer referenced by the typed array.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 5 );
var buf = arr.buffer;
// returns <ArrayBuffer>


Read-only property which returns the length (in bytes) of the typed array.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 5 );
var byteLength = arr.byteLength;
// returns 40


Read-only property which returns the offset (in bytes) of the typed array from the start of its ArrayBuffer.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 5 );
var byteOffset = arr.byteOffset;
// returns 0


Number of bytes per view element.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 5 );
var nbytes = arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// returns 8


Read-only property which returns the number of view elements.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 5 );
var len = arr.length;
// returns 5

Typed Array Methods

TypedArrayFE.from( endianness, src[, map[, thisArg]] )

Creates a new typed array from an array-like object or an iterable.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = Float64ArrayFE.from( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, -1.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 1.0

To invoke a function for each src value, provide a callback function.

function mapFcn( v ) {
    return v * 2.0;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = Float64ArrayFE.from( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, -1.0 ], mapFcn );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 2.0

A callback function is provided two arguments:

  • value: source value.
  • index: source index.

To set the callback execution context, provide a thisArg.

function mapFcn( v ) {
    this.count += 1;
    return v * 2.0;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var ctx = {
    'count': 0

var arr = Float64ArrayFE.from( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, -1.0 ], mapFcn, ctx );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 2.0

var n = ctx.count;
// returns 2

TypedArrayFE.of( endianness, element0[, element1[, ...elementN]] )

Creates a new typed array from a variable number of arguments.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = Float64ArrayFE.of( 'little-endian', 1.0, -1.0 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 1.0 i )

Returns an array element located at integer position (index) i, with support for both nonnegative and negative integer positions.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var out = 0 );
// returns 1.0

out = -1 );
// returns 3.0

If provided an out-of-bounds index, the method returns undefined.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = 100 );
// returns undefined

v = -100 );
// returns undefined

TypedArrayFE.prototype.every( predicate[, thisArg] )

Tests whether all the elements in an array pass a test implemented by a predicate function.

function isNegative( v ) {
    return v < 0;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ -1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var bool = arr.every( isNegative );
// returns true

The predicate function is provided three arguments:

  • value: current array element.
  • index: current array element index.
  • arr: the array on which this method was called.

To set the function execution context, provide a thisArg.

function isPositive( v, i ) {
    this.count += 1;
    return v > 0;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, -3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var context = {
    'count': 0

var bool = arr.every( isPositive, context );
// returns false

var count = context.count;
// returns 3

TypedArrayFE.prototype.filter( predicate[, thisArg] )

Returns a new array containing the elements of an array which pass a test implemented by a predicate function.

function predicate( v ) {
    return ( v % 2 === 0 );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] );

var out = arr.filter( predicate );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var len = out.length;
// returns 2

var v = out.get( 0 );
// returns 2.0

v = out.get( 1 );
// return 4.0

The predicate function is provided three arguments:

  • value: current array element.
  • index: current array element index.
  • arr: the array on which this method was called.

To set the function execution context, provide a thisArg.

function predicate( v, i ) {
    this.count += 1;
    return ( v % 2 === 0 );

var context = {
    'count': 0

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] );

var out = arr.filter( predicate, context );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var len = out.length;
// returns 2

var count = context.count;
// returns 4

TypedArrayFE.prototype.forEach( callbackFn[, thisArg] )

Invokes a function once for each array element.

function log( v, i ) {
    console.log( '%s: %s', i.toString(), v.toString() );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 3 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

arr.set( 1.5, 0 );
arr.set( 2.5, 1 );
arr.set( 3.5, 2 );

arr.forEach( log );
/* =>
    0: 1.5
    1: 2.5
    2: 3.5

The invoked function is provided three arguments:

  • value: current array element.
  • index: current array element index.
  • arr: the array on which this method was called.

To set the function execution context, provide a thisArg.

function fcn( v, i ) {
    this.count += 1;
    console.log( '%s: %s', i.toString(), v.toString() );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 3 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var context = {
    'count': 0

arr.set( 1.0, 0 );
arr.set( 2.0, 1 );
arr.set( 3.0, 2 );

arr.forEach( fcn, context );

var count = context.count;
// returns 3

TypedArrayFE.prototype.get( i )

Returns an array element located at a nonnegative integer position (index) i.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 10 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

// Set the first element:
arr.set( 1.0, 0 );

// Get the first element:
var v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 1.0

If provided an out-of-bounds index, the method returns undefined.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 10 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr.get( 100 );
// returns undefined

TypedArrayFE.prototype.includes( searchElement[, fromIndex] )

Returns a boolean indicating whether an array includes a provided value.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0 ] );

var idx = arr.includes( 2.0 );
// returns true

idx = arr.includes( 2.0, 2 );
// returns true

idx = arr.includes( 2.0, -4 );
// returns true

idx = arr.includes( 5.0 );
// returns false

TypedArrayFE.prototype.indexOf( searchElement[, fromIndex] )

Returns the first index at which a given element can be found.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0 ] );

var idx = arr.indexOf( 2.0 );
// returns 1

idx = arr.indexOf( 2.0, 2 );
// returns 4

idx = arr.indexOf( 2.0, -4 );
// returns 1

If searchElement is not present in the array, the method returns -1.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0 ] );

var idx = arr.indexOf( 5.0 );
// returns -1

TypedArrayFE.prototype.lastIndexOf( searchElement[, fromIndex] )

Returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the array.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0 ] );

var idx = arr.lastIndexOf( 2.0 );
// returns 4

idx = arr.lastIndexOf( 2.0, 3 );
// returns 1

idx = arr.lastIndexOf( 2.0, -2 );
// returns 1

If searchElement is not present in the array, the method returns -1.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0 ] );

var idx = arr.lastIndexOf( 5.0 );
// returns -1 callbackFn[, thisArg] )

Returns a new array with each element being the result of a provided callback function.

function fcn( v ) {
    return -v;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var out = fcn );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var z = out.get( 0 );
// returns -1.0

z = out.get( 1 );
// returns -2.0

z = out.get( 2 );
// returns -3.0

The callback function is provided three arguments:

  • value: current array element.
  • index: current array element index.
  • arr: the array on which this method was called.

To set the function execution context, provide a thisArg.

function fcn( v, i ) {
    this.count += i;
    return -v;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 3 );

arr.set( -1.0, 0 );
arr.set( 1.0, 1 );
arr.set( -1.0, 2 );

var context = {
    'count': 0

var out = fcn, context );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var count = context.count;
// returns 3;

TypedArray.prototype.reduce( reducerFn[, initialValue] )

Applies a provided callback function to each element of the array, in order, passing in the return value from the calculation on the preceding element and returning the accumulated result upon completion.

function reducer( acc, v ) {
    return ( acc && v );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var out = arr.reduce( reducer );
// returns 0.0

The reducer function is provided four arguments:

  • acc: accumulated result.
  • value: current array element.
  • index: current array element index.
  • arr: the array on which this method was called.

By default, the function initializes the accumulated result to the first element in the array and passes the second array element as value during the first invocation of the provided callback. To begin accumulation from a different starting value and pass in the first array element as value during the first invocation of the provided callback, provide an initialValue argument.

function reducer( acc, v ) {
    if ( v ) {
        return acc + 1;
    return acc;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var out = arr.reduce( reducer, 0 );
// returns 2

TypedArray.prototype.reduceRight( reducerFn[, initialValue] )

Applies a provided callback function to each element of the array, in reverse order, passing in the return value from the calculation on the following element and returning the accumulated result upon completion.

function reducer( acc, v ) {
    return ( acc && v );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var out = arr.reduceRight( reducer );
// returns 0.0

The reducer function is provided four arguments:

  • acc: accumulated result.
  • value: current array element.
  • index: current array element index.
  • arr: the array on which this method was called.

By default, the function initializes the accumulated result to the first element in the array and passes the second array element as value during the first invocation of the provided callback. To begin accumulation from a different starting value and pass in the first array element as value during the first invocation of the provided callback, provide an initialValue argument.

function reducer( acc, v ) {
    if ( v ) {
        return acc + 1;
    return acc;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var out = arr.reduceRight( reducer, 0 );
// returns 2

TypedArrayFE.prototype.set( arr[, offset] )

Sets array elements.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 1.0

v = arr.get( 1 );
// returns 2.0

// Set the first two array elements:
arr.set( [ 4.0, 5.0 ] );

v = arr.get( 0 );
// returns 4.0

v = arr.get( 1 );
// returns 5.0

By default, the method starts writing values at the first array index. To specify an alternative index, provide an index offset.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

// Set the last two array elements:
arr.set( [ 4.0, 5.0 ], 1 );

var v = arr.get( 1 );
// returns 4.0

v = arr.get( 2 );
// returns 5.0

A few notes:

  • If i is out-of-bounds, the method throws an error.
  • If a target array cannot accommodate all values (i.e., the length of source array plus i exceeds the target array length), the method throws an error.
  • If provided a typed array which shares an ArrayBuffer with the target array, the method will intelligently copy the source range to the destination range.

TypedArrayFE.prototype.some( predicate[, thisArg] )

Tests whether at least one element in an array passes a test implemented by a predicate function.

function isPositive( v ) {
    return v > 0;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ -1.0, 2.0, -3.0, -4.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var bool = arr.some( isPositive );
// returns true

The predicate function is provided three arguments:

  • value: current array element.
  • index: current array element index.
  • arr: the array on which this method was called.

To set the function execution context, provide a thisArg.

function isPositive( v, i ) {
    this.count += 1;
    return v > 0;

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ -1.0, -2.0, -3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var context = {
    'count': 0

var bool = arr.some( isPositive, context );
// returns false

var count = context.count;
// returns 3


Serializes an array as a string.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var str = arr.toString();
// returns '1,2,3'

TypedArrayFE.prototype.join( [separator] )

Returns a new string by concatenating all array elements.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );

var str = arr.join();
// returns '1,2,3'

By default, the method separates serialized array elements with a comma. To use an alternative separator, provide a separator string.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );

var str = arr.join( ' - ' );
// returns '1 - 2 - 3'

TypedArrayFE.prototype.with( index, value )

Returns a new typed array with the element at a provided index replaced with a provided value.

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

var arr = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ] );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var out = arr.with( 0, 0.0 );
// returns <Float64ArrayFE>

var v = out.get( 0 );
// returns 0.0


  • A returned constructor supports the following byte orders:

    • little-endian: store values such that bytes are stored from least-to-most significant bytes. This is the dominant ordering for processor architectures and their associated memory. This is also the ordering for WebAssembly memory.
    • big-endian: store values such that bytes are stored from most-to-least significant bytes. This is the dominant ordering in network protocols.
  • While returned constructors strive to maintain (but do not guarantee) consistency with typed arrays, significant deviations from ECMAScript-defined typed array behavior are as follows:

    • Constructors do not require the new operator.
    • Accessing array elements using bracket syntax (e.g., X[i]) is not supported. Instead, one must use the .get() method.


var Float64Array = require( '@stdlib/array-float64' );
var logEach = require( '@stdlib/console-log-each' );
var fixedEndianFactory = require( '@stdlib/array-fixed-endian-factory' );

var Float64ArrayFE = fixedEndianFactory( 'float64' );

// Create a typed array by specifying a length:
var out = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', 3 );
logEach( '%s', out );

// Create a typed array from an array:
var arr = [ 1.0, -1.0, -3.14, 3.14, 0.5, 0.5 ];
out = new Float64ArrayFE( 'big-endian', arr );
logEach( '%s', out );

// Create a typed array from an array buffer:
arr = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, -3.14, 3.14, 0.5, 0.5 ] ); // host byte order
out = new Float64ArrayFE( 'little-endian', arr.buffer );
logEach( '%s', out );

// Create a typed array from an array buffer view:
arr = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, -1.0, -3.14, 3.14, 0.5, 0.5 ] ); // host byte order
out = new Float64ArrayFE( 'big-endian', arr.buffer, 8, 2 );
logEach( '%s', out );


This package is part of stdlib, a standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numerical and scientific computing. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, streams, utilities, and more.

For more information on the project, filing bug reports and feature requests, and guidance on how to develop stdlib, see the main project repository.






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