Study Scripts for Deep Learning Zero To All, Part 2, Pytorch
You can start learning below links with scripts and youtube channel.
- Slide:
- YouTube:
Please check below file who want to use Docker for same practice environment. :)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install PyTorch from website:
Deep Learning Zero to All - PyTorch
These codes written base on PyTorch 1.0.0.
Always welcome your participation. Please write comments or leave pull requests.
We always welcome your comments and pull requests
- Lab-01-1 Tensor Manipulation 1
- Lab-01-2 Tensor Manipulation 2
- Lab-02 Linear regression
- Lab-03 Deeper Look at GD
- Lab-04-1 Multivariable Linear regression
- Lab-04-2 Loading Data
- Lab-05 Logistic Regression
- Lab-06 Softmax Classification
- Lab-07-1 Tips
- Lab-07-2 MNIST Introduction
- Lab-08-1 Perceptron
- Lab-08-2 Multi Layer Perceptron
- Lab-09-1 ReLU
- Lab-09-2 Weight initialization
- Lab-09-3 Dropout
- Lab-09-4 Batch Normalization
- Lab-10-0 Convolution Neural Networkintro
- Lab-10-1 Convolution
- Lab-10-2 mnist cnn
- Lab-10-3 visdom
- Lab-10-4-1 ImageFolder1
- Lab-10-4-2 ImageFolder2
- Lab-10-5 Advance CNN(VGG)
- Lab-10-6-1 Advanced CNN(RESNET-1)
- Lab-10-6-2 Advanced CNN(RESNET-2)
- Lab-10-7 Next step of CNN
- Lab-11-0 RNN intro
- Lab-11-1 RNN basics
- Lab-11-2 RNN hihello and charseq
- Lab-11-3 Long sequence
- Lab-11-4 RNN timeseries
- Lab-11-5 RNN seq2seq
- Lab-11-6 PackedSequence