I'm a passionate software developer with a love for hardware design. I specialize in C, Java, C++, Verilog HDL. I have extensive experience working with FPGAs and the Xilinx Vivado suite. Additionally, I have an understanding of PCB design and electronic components.
Currently, I'm working on several exciting projects, including:
- Designing a custom FPGA-based system for real-time data processing
- Building a portfolio of open-source projects to share with the community
I'm always looking to learn and grow as a developer. Currently, I'm focusing on expanding my knowledge in the following areas:
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- High-performance computing and parallel programming
- Advanced FPGA design techniques
If you're interested in collaborating on a project or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out to me at stimexpabs@gmail.com. I'm always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer.