A simple .net wrapper for Billogram API. A sample example on how to implement Billogram in your solution has been demonstrated here.
To install Billogram, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package Billogram
For more details about the package should be found here on Nuget Org.
To start with configure the client in you constructor.
var appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
_clientSecretUser = appSettings["Billogram.AuthUser"];
_clientSecretKey = appSettings["Billogram.AuthKey"];
add client Id and secrect key in your App.Config blocked with . #####NOTE: For sandbox environment use the other constructor to instantiate and pass the url as parameter
By default the url is set to production environment .But incase you want to pass the base url (might be production/ sandbox environment) to the constructor then use the other contructor that takes the base url as parameter.
public BillogramUtility(string authUser, string authKey, string baseUrl)
{ ............
_baseUrl = baseUrl;
To run this library locally install these packages
PM> Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Version 8.0.3
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Net.Http
PM> Install-Package JWT 1.3.4
However , 8 endpoints have been implemented here.
To refer any endpoint all is needed is to instantiate 'BillogramUtility.cs' class and continue the one is needed. (For ex. CreateBillogram, SendBillogram, GetCustomerInfo, GetBillogramsByState, ........)
var utility = new BillogramUtility(_clientSecretUser, _clientSecretKey);
List<Billogram> output = utility.GetBillogramListByCustomerNo(CustomerNo).Result;
For more details click here
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