Blog-API is a basic Client-side JavaScript web API and online blog-post presentation system. It is developed mostly by combining HTML
and CSS
for rendering with support of JavaScript
and jQuery
functional capabilities.
New repository created at GitHub account strahinjapopovic as blog-api.
Continuing with Git Bash directory tree sett up...
Project has been pushed from the local storage to GitHub with codebase and new branch was created as (feature/input-data-blog).
Marge the (main) branch with (feature/input-data-blog) feature branch as follows.
Marge the (main) branch with (feature/post-data-blog) feature branch as follows.
Page number 1 with input fields...
Page number 2 with post(s)...
Error message for empty field(s)...
Different style applied with toggle button...
Repository over GitHub account you can find GitHub Repos and application deployment at GitHub Pages.
Please refer to the MIT LICENSE in the repo.