A simple yande.re viewer for Android
- viewer
- highlight unread posts
- save images
- one or multi choice
- you can change the save directory
- search posts from tags
- you can use tag suggestions
- share a post
- title and url
- Twitter (must be turned on from settings)
view tweet
screenshots of yandere viewer for readme pic.twitter.com/BP6jzztSaG
— yui (@sugtao4423) November 19, 2019
- Compile with AndroidStudio
- Add string to strings xml file
<string name="twitter_ck">YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY</string>
<string name="twitter_cs">YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET</string>
If you don't use "Share on Twitter", you can use empty string
<string name="twitter_ck"></string>
<string name="twitter_cs"></string>
- English (default) (like machine translate)
- Japanese (native)