This is a modified ORB_SLAM2 (from, thanks for Raul's great work!) with a online point cloud map module running in RGB-D mode. You can visualize your point cloud map during the SLAM process.
I and my team-mates has modified the code of Gaoxiang12. from the code of Gaoxiang12 we tried to include object detection which we used YOLOv5.
This project allows to make marker on the object detected in point cloud map.
And also we provided simple python made UI. which includes
function that decompose .bag format file(RGB-D file) into Color images, Depth images and also txt files needed by ORB-SLAM2,
function that starts ORB-SLAM2 and put the result map into 'result'folder, and
function that opens the .pcd file which is the result map of ORB-SLAM2.
this installation is based on and original ORB-SLAM2
requirements: pcl>=1.7,opencv>=3.4 other requirements for ORB-SLAM2
dpkg -i libeigen3-dev_3.2.0-8_all.deb
cd g2o_with_orbslam2
rm -rf build
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j12
cd ../../
cd ORB_SLAM2_modified/Thirdparty
sudo sh
cd ..
sudo sh
To run the program you also need to download the ORB vocabulary (which is a large file so I don't upload it) in the original ORB_SLAM2 repository.
Prepare a RGBD camera or dataset, give the correct parameters and you can get a ORB SLAM with point cloud maps.
please see this README