Our project is Logi-Kart. This is a website which helps people to
find and buy all type of Video Gaming Peripherals on internet. It is
useful in the way that it makes an easier way to buy video gaming
products online. Logi-Kart is an interactive e-commerce solution
providing users with an opportunity to buy their favourite pc parts.
Logi-Kart is the first online platform which deals with new pc
accessories of all fields.
Some of the Key Features and modules our website will provide:
•Product Landing Page (Frontend Designing)
•Contact Us Feature
•Categorical Product Page
•About Us Page
•Product Cart System
•Product Search Feature
•Easy checkout system with all kind of payments integration.
•Product tracking feature once the payment is complete.
Software Requirements includes:
1.A web browser that supports HTML5 and CSS3.
2.An IDE to code HTML, CSS and JavaScript like Visual Studio Code.
3.Django Framework support.
Full version will be released soon.