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\__| |_| |_| | .__/ | .__/ \___| |_|
|_| |_|
Convert data from SharedStreet's trip-simulator into Kepler.gl input
Clone the repo and install with npm install
Generate GPS Temeletry with trip-simulator. For detailed explanation see Use.
trip-simulator \
--config scooter \
--pbf nash.osm.pbf \
--graph nash.osrm \
--agents 100 \
--start 1563122921000 \
--seconds 86400 \
--traces ./traces.json \
--probes ./probes.json \
--changes ./changes.json \
--trips ./trips.json
Run tripper with trips.json
as input file and specify an output filepath:
node tripper --input="./trips.json" --output="./parsed.json"
Upload parsed.json
to kepler.gl or use with local instance.