SuperV is a Laravel package that provides an SPA Admin Panel based on your migration files, without generating or requiring additional files.
Please visit for documentation.
Click here for video tutorials.
superV has the following requirments:
- Laravel 5.8+ or 6.*
- PHP 7.2.0+
- NPM (If you are willing to customize the frontend)
Pull in the latest superV Platform package:
composer require superv/platform
Run the installer
php artisan superv:install
Installer will try to complete the following configurations for you:
- Configure composer.json for the Merge Plugin
- Create a full privileged User
- Create the Addons directory
Install the composer package for Admin Panel addon:
composer require superv/admin-panel
Install the Admin Panel
php artisan addon:install superv.panels.admin
You can now navigate to http://your-base-hostname/admin
using your browser and login with the user credentials you created during the installation process.
Create project with composer in your terminal:
composer create-project superv/superv-project
Your web server should point to project's public
folder for your hostname (eg: superv.test
). Just as it would in a normal Laravel application.
Required directory permissions are also same with a normal laravel application with one exception, which is the addons
folder. So make sure this folder is writable by your web server too.
Next, create a database and add your credentials to your .env
And install superV
php artisan superv:install
Install the Admin Panel
php artisan addon:install superv.panels.admin
You can now navigate to http://your-base-hostname/admin
using your browser and login with the user credentials you created during the installation process.
If you any questions, feel free to contact me on Twitter.