Easy Cloudflare Workers script that you can add to your DeSo Node domain to enable proper dynamic title and meta tags and with that get proper SEO content as well as URL embeds on all major platforms like Discord, Slack & Twitter.
Read more about DeSo and How to Run a Node.
Amending the index.js script and worker settings may impact the smooth running of your DeSo node frontend.
Therefore I recommend you test this setup first on a subdomain of your node domain.
In addition be careful committing or merging changes to the worker/index.js script.
This repo includes a github action to enable easy updates of the installed cloudflare worker.
Lastly - you can only run 1 worker with the name EmbeDeSo
in a single cloudflare account. So if you want to apply this to multiple node domains, you just need it ones and configure the routes on each of the domains that point to the worker.
This script can only be used on Cloudflare workers.
This means your DeSo frontend node domain has to be hosted on Cloudfare, and you have to have the workers service enabled.
With the default config, it also presumes the frontend and backend are both hosted on the same node. This script will make requests to your node api to get the required information for the html head.
You dont need Workers Unbound for this script.
If your node gets less then 100k visits a day, you can probably run this on the FREE tier.
If you have more visits, then for $5 / month your Bundled Workers plan can support upto 10m requests per month. Every additional million costs $0.50 ... just like the first DeSo ever minted!
More detail on pricing is here.
Please make sure you have done the following:
- ✅ You have a CloudFlare account and you are logged in
- ✅ Your domain is added to your Cloudflare account
- ✅ Your node is setup on the domain
- ✅ Your Cloudflare account is setup up for Workers
Follow the steps below to setup this DeSo embed script on your cloudflare workers and your DeSo domain.
Go to the EmbeDeSo github repo, and fork it.
Open the repo Settings
area in a new browser tab, and then select Secrets
in the sidebar.
As you will be skipping between this guide here, and your secrets settings its best to use a 2nd browser tab.
Add the following repo secrets - using Step 3 and 4 below.
: The ID of the Cloudflare zone for your bitclout domainCF_ACCOUNT_ID
: Your Cloudflare Account IDCF_API_TOKEN
: Create a API token
After adding the 3 secrets & the values from the previous steps, it should look like this:
- Go to your Cloudflare Dashboard
- Select the relevant account
- Select the domain
- Scroll down in the right sidebar until you see the API section
I recommend you setup a dedicated Cloudflare api token to allow github to deploy the worker script to the specific zone only.
Click 'Create Token'.
Use Template
for theEdit Cloudflare Workers
row -
Click the edit button next to
token name
and enter a clear title, eg "EmbeDeSo Github Action" -
Leave the permissions as is
Account resources
select the account you are deploying this worker on -
Zone resources
set it tospecific zone
and select your DeSo node domain in the dropdown. -
continue to summary
Create Token
Copy & safely store the token in your password manager
To deploy the worker script to cloudflare:
- Go to the Gitup
tab for the forked repo. - As you forked the repo, accept use of Actions
- Click the
workflow. - Click the
Run workflow
button on the right - Wait for it to complete
- If everything has gone ok it should show a green checkmark besides the workflow run
Go to the workers section for your account.
It should show the EmbeDeso
It should also have been deployed on the workers.dev route - but this wont actually do anything besides helping you debug issues.
The reason for this is that the script needs to fetch the html from the node origin.
The script therefore includes a check to define a custom hostname to replace the worker domain with, and it will just output JSON from the workers.dev domain.
Is your frontend domain is different then your api domain?
You will need to go to the worker settings tab, and add an NODEAPI
environment variable:
Note if deploying with wrangler or the included github action, the Environment variables will be reset to those listed in the wrangler.toml file. I recommend adding the following to wrangler.toml file to keep routes & env variables consistent:
account_id="your cf account id"
routes = ["yourdomain.com/u/*","yourdomain.com/posts/*","yourdomain.com/nft/*"]
Go to your domain dashboard on cloudflare.
Click the workers tab.
Setup the following 3 routes:
- the User route:
as the worker. - the Posts route:
as the worker. - the Nft route:
as the worker.
Of course here you use your actual domain rather then example.com
Your DeSo front end should already include the required html tags. But if you are running with a custom front end, or want to use this script on a different frontend then the reference DeSo one, then make sure these tags exist in the head section:
- title
- meta name description
- meta name twitter:image
- meta property og:title
- meta property og:description
- meta property og:site_name
- meta property og:image
You can add default descriptions, titles and sitenames if you want.
Go to a discord channel and test a few embeds to make sure its working.
Also browse your node with a few posts and users to make sure all is fine there too.
Click the EmbeDeSo
worker link on your domain worker dashboard.
Disable the Workers.dev route as you wont need it.
Here are some TODOs that you may want to work on.
Add support for NFT urls
Improve embedding of image posts.
Support oembed discovery URLs - most of the code for it is there but needs to be updated to support the
querystring param -
Filter traffic based on useragent and only run the worker api requests for known embed sources like discord, twitter, slack and search engine spiders.
Add caching or KV store for API responses to reduce load on API and increase speed further.
Add build script to minifi index.js