A maven plugin for creating fat jar;
All of the libraries for the current project will be added into the fat jar including current project jar file;
A new jar file will be created which the name will be append '-fat'
at the end of the name;
The structure of fat jar
├── lib
│ ├── demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── spring-core-4.3.17.RELEASE.jar
jar file of the current projectspring-core-4.3.17.RELEASE.jar
jar file that declared in the pom.xml
The classloader that can load class from fat jar;
One fat jar corresponds to one FatJarClassLoader
; The project which contains multiple fat jar will has multiple FatJarClassLoader
In fact users should use FatJarDelegateClassLoader
which will manage all FatJarClassLoader
expected 3 args in constructors:
- urls
- parent classloader
- the prefix name for class which will be load by
FatJarClassLoader was write with spring-boot-loader;
is a project jar file witch contains some fat jars;
We only need to give the xxx.jar
url to FatJarDelegateClassLoader
; FatJarDelegateClassLoader
will search all fat jar files in the giving urls and creating multiple FatJarClassLoader
; The class which name is begin with com.xxx
will be load by FatJarDelegateClassLoader
URL url = lastClassLoader.getResource("xxx.jar");
new FatJarDelegateClassLoader(
new URL[] { url },