Entity Framework Core implementations of the Idempotency extensions
Install-Package swisschain.extensions.idempotency.EfCore
Derive your unit of work from Swisschain.Extensions.Idempotency.EfCore.UnitOfWorkBase<TDbContext>
class, passing your DbContext
inheritor as a generic parameter:
public class TestUnitOfWork : UnitOfWorkBase<TestDbContext>
public ITransfersRepository Transfers { get; private set; }
public IOrdersRepository Orders { get; private set; }
protected override void ProvisionRepositories(DatabaseContext dbContext)
Transfers = new TransfersRepository(dbContext);
Orders = new OrdersRepository(dbContext);
Repositories included into the unit of work should accept DbContext
instance to the constructor and use it for all DB queries. It's recommended to split your repository to two independent classes,
if you need both unit-of-work-scoped and out-of-the-unit-of-work queries to the DB to avoid confusing.
Add PersistWithEfCore
while configuring IdempotencyConfigurationBuilder
inside services.AddIdempotency
call and return an instance of your DbContext
services.AddIdempotency<UnitOfWork>(x =>
s => s.GetRequiredService<DatabaseContext>(),
o =>
Use OutboxDeserializerOptions.OutboxDeserializer.AddAssembly
method to register non primitive types which can be persisted in the outbox.
Implement IDbContextWithOutbox
and IDbContextWithIdGenerator
by your inheritor of the DbContext
public class DatabaseContext : DbContext, IDbContextWithOutbox, IDbContextWithIdGenerator
public DatabaseContext(DbContextOptions options) :
// Do not update these collections directly. Swisschain.Extensions.Idempotency will manage everything for you
public DbSet<OutboxEntity> Outbox { get; set; }
public DbSet<IdGeneratorEntity> IsGenerator { get; set; }
Configure DbContext
model builder:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.BuildIdempotency(x =>
x.OutboxTableName = "Outbox"; // It's optional. Default table name is "outbox"
x.IdGeneratorTableName = "IdGenerator"; // It's optional. Default table name is "id_generator"
// Register ID generators, that you want to use in your application:
// Each generator is a named sequence which you can use to get unique ID.
// You can specify custom start number and increment size for the generator:
x.AddIdGenerator("id_generator_withdrawals", startNumber: 100000, incrementSize: 10);
Generate new EF migration.