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MassTransit implementation of the Idempotency extensions

Install nuget package

Install-Package swisschain.extensions.idempotency.MassTransit


Add DispatchWithMassTransit while configuring IdempotencyConfigurationBuilder inside services.AddIdempotency call:

services.AddIdempotency<UnitOfWork>(x =>


Outside of a consumer context

If you working with the unit of work not in the consumer context (eg. HTTP request, gRPC request, timer), then just call IUnitOfWork.EnsureOutboxDispatched():

await unitOfWork.EnsureOutboxDispatched();

Inside a consumer context

If you working with the unit of work in the consumer context (eg. Inside the IConsumer<T>.Consume), then it's recommended to pass consumer-scoped dispatcher using ToOutboxDispatcher extension method of the ConsumeContext or using EnsureOutboxDispatched extension method of the UnitOfWorkBase:

public class ExecuteTransferConsumer : IConsumer<ExecuteTransfer>
    private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager<UnitOfWork> _unitOfWorkManager;

    public BlockchainAddedConsumer(IUnitOfWorkManager<UnitOfWork> unitOfWorkManager)
        _unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager;

    public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<ExecuteTransfer> context)
        await using var unitOfWork = await UnitOfWorkManager.Begin($"Commands:ExecuteTransfer:{context.Message.TransferId}");

        if (!unitOfWork.Outbox.IsClosed)
            // Business logic goes here

            await unitOfWork.Commit();

        await unitOfWork.EnsureOutboxDispatched(context.ToOutboxDispatcher());
        // Or (prefed one):
        await unitOfWork.EnsureOutboxDispatched(context);